09-21-2006, 06:16 AM
Quote:Hating on Magic because he is using his money and athletic background to live, now thats the real awful stance. If Freddie Mercury had the same chances, would you be hating on him too? Is the world better off with Mercury being dead? I think not.
Are you calling me a racist?
I dont wish him dead or anything... I dont blame him for wanting to live either... I just think getting aids is bad and since we see more of magic than we do of people who are really suffering and dying from aids, then it's really not a good thing for kids because they dont know the fear that we all knew growing up seeing Freddie, and Ryan White and countless others. No kid is going to know who either of those people are, but I'll bet you they know who Magic Johnson is.
You have a point and i'm sure he's helping a lot of people, but he is also helping the image of the disease and that is not a good thing in my opinion.