11-15-2006, 04:44 PM
Galt Wrote:For those of who don't know Bradlees, it was like a store in Massachusetts that was like Walmart, similar to K-Mart. It was obviously smaller than Walmart, but they would sell everything under the sun. They also has a clothes section. It was considered the lamest thing on earth to buy clothes at Bradlees.
Well one when I was in 7th or 8th grade, I was walking around Bradlees with my mother and sister - my mother needed some random shit.
I was roaming around and I saw these really funny "Rude Dog" seatshirt. It was white and had this picture of this really edgy looking dog. Think "Poochy" from The Simpsons. He was like Spuds Mackenzie with rabies. He was on a skateboard and there was angry colors all over the place. It was just really cool looking.
So I had my mom buy it; I figure, what the hell, it's cool and no one will know where I got it from.
Everyone from the school is just sitting outside waiting for the bell to wring, as I get off the bus. I start walking to my friends, and someone yells, RUDE DOG! and them people start looking, them other people yell it, "Oh My God! RUDE DOG! YES!" People are grabbing at it and pointing and can't contain themselves. Apparantly Rude Dog was a staple Bradlees brand and everyone in the know, knew about it.
I was mortified, but I refused to admit that I got it from Bradlees. "No", I said. "I got this from Filenes for $31". Everyone laughed harder. They all knew it was bullshit. And for the rest of the year, whenever anyone had anything stupid on or did anything lame, or just at random times in the lunchroom, people would say "I got it at Filenes! FOR $31!!!!!"
Luckily, I had a spare (clean) shirt in my gym locker, and changed into that (it was a yellow Reebok shirt).
From then on, all I wore was Vuarnet and Co-Ed Naked shirts so as to blend in.
That story made me happy on the inside, not in a mean way its just so good.
Actually I was reading over some of mine and they have brought back more similar memories. Like the one I told about my klepto addiction, I think I can pinpoint that to my mom actually.
One summer, we actually went on a little vacation with one of the guys she was fucking that week. We went to a bungalow he had in upstate, monticello I think. So they had a Jamesway (sp?) store there, I dont know if it's a chain or not but its a big dept store like k-mart which sold everything. My mom used to fuckin go there 5-6 times a day and just fuckin rob them. This was back in the day so it's like 85, I dont think they had those security things at the door, so it was easier. She'd steal like the cheap jewelry, panties, glasses, etc.
No matter what I said or begged, she would never ever take anything for me. One time she stole the cassete tape for the Rocky 4 soundtrack for me and I complained that she took it out of the case and only stole the tape, I wanted to case with the picture and she yelled at me and never took anything else for me.
So next time I figured fuck it, ill steal for myself. So I started small and found these transformers, which were lame cause they transformed into micro cassetes, for like the recorders, but it was just a test run anyway. So I took them out of the packages and put them in my shoes, it was a fuckin uncomfortable walk to the door but I made it.
From then on, I needed that sweet taste of victory more often!!!
so its all her fault