11-16-2006, 03:43 AM
There was a shoe store down the way my mother used to take me to all the time. I think the name of it was like "Two for One" or something welfarish like that or that was at the very least their key marketing slogan. You see, you buy one, you get the other for nothing. Good deal, eh? Well the shoes they sold were the shit brands but my mother always insisted that we go there because of the "famous" buy one get another for free deal. I mean, you gotta be an imbeccile to pay for two pairs of shoes when you can get two for the price of one right down the road, right? Meanwhile as time passed, I would peruse other stores' goods at the mall or something and they would have some of the same shit brand shoes the twofer store had. However, and you probably saw this coming a mile away, I noticed that these same shit shoes cost exactly half of what my retarded mother would pay at the twofer. Thus accelerated the decline of the mother-son relationship.