12-19-2006, 02:13 AM
Rhodesia has not been a country since 1980 you Goddamned public school misfit. It is now Zimbabwe, as I mentioned.
Movie critics live in their mom's basement and bounce around between playing MMORPG, Magic: The Gathering, and sitting on Netflix. In fact, on whole, they probably even more ignorant about the word than you are.
I have been to South Africa and I have heard the accent. I work with a guy who is from Zimbabwe.
He does well on the accent.
But that's besides the point. The movie is awesome. Leo's a fucking Badass in it. It's filled with action, and the only thing that sucks is the forced "romance" with Jennifer Connolly, but at least they don't waste time showing them make out, and she's hot to look at anyway.
Movie critics live in their mom's basement and bounce around between playing MMORPG, Magic: The Gathering, and sitting on Netflix. In fact, on whole, they probably even more ignorant about the word than you are.
I have been to South Africa and I have heard the accent. I work with a guy who is from Zimbabwe.
He does well on the accent.
But that's besides the point. The movie is awesome. Leo's a fucking Badass in it. It's filled with action, and the only thing that sucks is the forced "romance" with Jennifer Connolly, but at least they don't waste time showing them make out, and she's hot to look at anyway.