12-29-2006, 07:18 PM
DIG fighting famed Anti-Bush author William Rivers Pitt (who knew he posted on an O&A Board???). Read his insane, rambling posts filled with unsubtantiated facts and wonder why he's one of the left's favored sons.
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DiceisGod Wrote:quote:
I teach english lit and journalism.
Well then you are not qualified to discredit O&A's statements. You may be able to gather info (news stories, other peoples incites) effectively to support your little "outraged" position, but you offer no inside information. Ever work for the FBI, the gov't? No? Then piss off. You only know what the media let's you know. The media only knows what the gov't lets them know. So what do we (you, me, O&A) know? Jackshit. At least O&A's opinions are funny. Fuck Clinton. I'm sick of hearing about him and his fuck toys. Bush has class. It might not of always been so (he has a sorted past like many of us). But it's all business with this guy at a time when it needs to be. We've been poised for a showdown with these arab fucks for a long time. I don't think anybody or government organization or party could have prevented what has or will happen. Let's kill these teerrorist fuckers and forget all these trivial "my party is better than your party" disagreements.