06-27-2007, 07:09 AM
The difference in comparing steroid abuse in baseball/football is that, generally speaking, it’s something that the fans look down upon. Now admittedly, I am not one of those fans so for me to be so against it in wrestling seems awfully contradictory. But that’s a little bit of cognitive dissonance that you’re just going to have to get over. I’ve dealt with it; so can you. Wrestling fans encourage the blatant steroid abuse by continuing to support such a fucking awful product. And yes, baseball fans continue to support the Bonds/Giambis by selling out stadiums. But comparing baseball fans to wrestling fans is like comparing porn stars dying of AIDS to wrestlers dying from steroids. Or something like that. If calling the product awful and condemning its fans puts me on a soapbox, then so be it. But since I’m on such a higher level than everyone, you should try extra hard to pay attention.
Like a lot of children of the 80s, I grew up watching wrestling. I loved watching Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, Demolition, Macho Man, all those talentless hacks that McMahon passed off as wrestlers. As I grew older and began to actually use my brain, I realized that these aforementioned wrestlers were, as I mentioned, talentless. This did not mean I stopped liking wrestling altogether; quite the contrary. I began liking wrestling even more. Specifically, I began liking what ECW had to offer in terms of in-ring action and wrestling talent. Instead of continuing to watch immobile goofs like Hogan, Diesel, Lex Luger, Steve Austin, et al. I began enjoying talented wrestlers like the Ultimo Dragon, Rob Van Dam, Taz, et al. Now, I had a choice to make. I could continue to watch the drivel broadcast every Monday night, or I could seek out the type of wrestling that I knew I favored. The type of wrestling that I knew was far superior to what this country had to offer. So I went overseas (not literally, idiot) and found that Japanese wrestling provided me with a product that I thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated. If knowing what I like and what I don’t like; what’s good and what sucks, makes me an elitist scumbag soapbox dweller, then I am an elitist scumbag soapbox dweller. I can live with that.
That’s really all I’m asking for out of these people. To not just take what’s given to you but to make your own conscientious choice. For grown men to stop having the mindsets of 8-year olds and to stop filling up arenas with retarded signs making fun of [insert popular heel wrestler here]. To stop for a second and say, “this sucks. I want something better.” It’s really fucking embarrassing to know that RAW is still cable’s top rated show. It’s embarrassing as someone who still technically calls themselves a wrestling fan to know that people actually pay money for these pay-per-views.
Exactly. And the reason why he is yet to learn this is because it has yet to affect his bottom line. People are fucking stupid and will continue to buy into whatever he spoon feeds them as being “entertainment.” It’s all they know. It’s all they know because it’s all they allow themselves to know. They are part of the simple-minded part of this country that still cheer for Hulk Hogan, still use AOL, still believe in Santa Claus, and still blindly support George Bush.
Oh yeah, and I am very happy to see that at least Benoit had the decency to not harm his dogs. All’s well that ends well, I guess.
Like a lot of children of the 80s, I grew up watching wrestling. I loved watching Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, Demolition, Macho Man, all those talentless hacks that McMahon passed off as wrestlers. As I grew older and began to actually use my brain, I realized that these aforementioned wrestlers were, as I mentioned, talentless. This did not mean I stopped liking wrestling altogether; quite the contrary. I began liking wrestling even more. Specifically, I began liking what ECW had to offer in terms of in-ring action and wrestling talent. Instead of continuing to watch immobile goofs like Hogan, Diesel, Lex Luger, Steve Austin, et al. I began enjoying talented wrestlers like the Ultimo Dragon, Rob Van Dam, Taz, et al. Now, I had a choice to make. I could continue to watch the drivel broadcast every Monday night, or I could seek out the type of wrestling that I knew I favored. The type of wrestling that I knew was far superior to what this country had to offer. So I went overseas (not literally, idiot) and found that Japanese wrestling provided me with a product that I thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated. If knowing what I like and what I don’t like; what’s good and what sucks, makes me an elitist scumbag soapbox dweller, then I am an elitist scumbag soapbox dweller. I can live with that.
That’s really all I’m asking for out of these people. To not just take what’s given to you but to make your own conscientious choice. For grown men to stop having the mindsets of 8-year olds and to stop filling up arenas with retarded signs making fun of [insert popular heel wrestler here]. To stop for a second and say, “this sucks. I want something better.” It’s really fucking embarrassing to know that RAW is still cable’s top rated show. It’s embarrassing as someone who still technically calls themselves a wrestling fan to know that people actually pay money for these pay-per-views.
Quote: And Vince has yet to learn than pushing bulky juicecaked muscleheads as the main attraction is and always will be what destroys the performance art of professional wrestling.
Exactly. And the reason why he is yet to learn this is because it has yet to affect his bottom line. People are fucking stupid and will continue to buy into whatever he spoon feeds them as being “entertainment.” It’s all they know. It’s all they know because it’s all they allow themselves to know. They are part of the simple-minded part of this country that still cheer for Hulk Hogan, still use AOL, still believe in Santa Claus, and still blindly support George Bush.
Oh yeah, and I am very happy to see that at least Benoit had the decency to not harm his dogs. All’s well that ends well, I guess.