08-03-2007, 09:55 PM
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 10:03 AM
To: DMV Info (for Web pages)
Subject: Offensive License Plate
To Whom it May Concern,
I am writing to report a vulgar and offensive personalized license plate and request it be surrendered to the DMV immediately. The vehicle I saw was a maroon Santa Fe V6 with the plate 'JEWLO 1'. This is obviously a disparaging reference to Jews. As a Jewish person, I was deeply offended by this license plate and request its immediate removal from the roads. JEWLO is a play on words; combining the disparaging slur for a Jewish person, Jew, with Jennifer Lopez's nickname, J-Lo. I find Jennifer Lopez very offensive. I despise her music, her movies, and her personality as a whole. I do not condone the way she conducts herself and find her promiscuous lifestyle to be morally reprehensible. Combining the moniker "J-Lo" with a term referring to Jewish heritage is disgusting and abominable. It suggests that all Jewish individuals practice the loose morals exhibited by Jennifer Lopez and her supporters. According to the DMV website, personalized plates will be rejected if they make a defamatory reference to race, ethnic heritage, or religion. I am shocked and appalled that you allowed such a plate to be issued. It is important for my culture and heritage to be unique and not intertwined with that of Puerto Rican heritage, or any other heritage for that matter. License plates such as these cheapen not only the Jewish religion, culture and heritage, but the Puerto Rican culture and heritage as well. There is no place for this on the streets of Nevada, and I demand that this license plate be surrendered to the appropriate authorities as soon as possible. I would appreciate a response to this matter at your earliest convenience. Thank You.
From: " " <@dmv.state.nv.us>
CC: " " <@dmv.state.nv.us>
Subject: RE: Offensive License Plate
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2007 12:55:43 -0700
Dear Mr. ,
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. It will be
forwarded to the office that ordered this plate.
Alternate Services
Special Plates Div
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 10:03 AM
To: DMV Info (for Web pages)
Subject: Offensive License Plate
To Whom it May Concern,
I am writing to report a vulgar and offensive personalized license plate and request it be surrendered to the DMV immediately. The vehicle I saw was a maroon Santa Fe V6 with the plate 'JEWLO 1'. This is obviously a disparaging reference to Jews. As a Jewish person, I was deeply offended by this license plate and request its immediate removal from the roads. JEWLO is a play on words; combining the disparaging slur for a Jewish person, Jew, with Jennifer Lopez's nickname, J-Lo. I find Jennifer Lopez very offensive. I despise her music, her movies, and her personality as a whole. I do not condone the way she conducts herself and find her promiscuous lifestyle to be morally reprehensible. Combining the moniker "J-Lo" with a term referring to Jewish heritage is disgusting and abominable. It suggests that all Jewish individuals practice the loose morals exhibited by Jennifer Lopez and her supporters. According to the DMV website, personalized plates will be rejected if they make a defamatory reference to race, ethnic heritage, or religion. I am shocked and appalled that you allowed such a plate to be issued. It is important for my culture and heritage to be unique and not intertwined with that of Puerto Rican heritage, or any other heritage for that matter. License plates such as these cheapen not only the Jewish religion, culture and heritage, but the Puerto Rican culture and heritage as well. There is no place for this on the streets of Nevada, and I demand that this license plate be surrendered to the appropriate authorities as soon as possible. I would appreciate a response to this matter at your earliest convenience. Thank You.
From: " " <@dmv.state.nv.us>
CC: " " <@dmv.state.nv.us>
Subject: RE: Offensive License Plate
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2007 12:55:43 -0700
Dear Mr. ,
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. It will be
forwarded to the office that ordered this plate.
Alternate Services
Special Plates Div