09-06-2007, 11:53 AM
Putting you being the object of Galt's wanton lusts aside, you are lazy. You often express that whatever-ish attitude, literally or subtly, in your posting and most likely in all that you do (I like to extrapolate - the less reasonable, the better). As an example of the latter, I look at that post you just wrote and I think to myself is a guy that is so apathetic that he can't even capitalize the first letter of the first word of his sentences worthly of being on this elite list. The conclusion is simply to figure out. Now as an exercise, do a search of your posts. I did. You know what I saw? There was the first page and that's all I needed to see. You're no alpha, never were, just worked up and hyped by your pal. I could be wrong, I concede, but NEVER in my mind.