09-20-2007, 01:31 PM
to BA's whiny rant of "waaaaah! This is a job interview, not an IQ Test!!!! Waaaaaah, not fair@!!!!!"
People lie in job interviews all the time. You can't lie in an interview that tests your creative thinking, problem solving, and logic.
That's why these types of questions are the norm in consulting companies. It's not super common that regular companies like Google also do these, but I had to study all these types of questions (more the market sizing questions like "how many piano tuners are there in the world" or "how many traffic lights are there in Manhattan", but the IQ tests would be cool.
And aparently the answer for the blender question is that you just stand on the top of the blade and you would float out. It's got something to do with your density being the same, so you'd be as heavy as a piece of paper, and you'd just float right out.
People lie in job interviews all the time. You can't lie in an interview that tests your creative thinking, problem solving, and logic.
That's why these types of questions are the norm in consulting companies. It's not super common that regular companies like Google also do these, but I had to study all these types of questions (more the market sizing questions like "how many piano tuners are there in the world" or "how many traffic lights are there in Manhattan", but the IQ tests would be cool.
And aparently the answer for the blender question is that you just stand on the top of the blade and you would float out. It's got something to do with your density being the same, so you'd be as heavy as a piece of paper, and you'd just float right out.