02-05-2008, 02:34 AM
Galt Wrote:fourthly, Hedcold was talking about a completely different thread on a completely different board about a completely different super bowl. Fifthly, no one gave any logic about why the Giants would win. That was my point. You saying that the Giants win and the score (nor me saying the Pats and the score) really doesn't hold any weight or as a real "Ohhhh, I knew the Giants could win!" prediction because you didn't explain it. Every rabid fan of every underdog still predicts them to win, but if you can't explain why, you get no credit.
I even asked you if you were just voting with your heart, and you didn't reply.
So no, you don't get credit.
And as an aside, I've heard this from a few people that it was some amazing superbowl, but huh? The game sucked. The last 3 minutes (or whatever it was when the Pats and Giants traded TDs) was interesting, definitely, but the rest of it was a snoozefest. Manning's scramble / Tyree's amazing catch was the first real highlight of the game, and that happened with a minute left.
Sixthly, your point was muddy as to who gives a shit about predictions about who won what and whatever, seventhly, you picked first, and you know for a fact that if the fucking Pats won, you would smugly post your incessant bullshit about how you knew they were going to win, eighthly, you don't need me or anyone to re-read to you in paraphrased form ESPN, Fox Sports, or joeschmoinsiderfootballingblog.com, all the fucking reasons why either the Giants will win, or why the Patriots will win, ninthly, if you obviously are too much of a fan of offense that you need your entire Super Bowl to be like the last two minutes of the game, so I dismiss you opinions on football for the rest of your existence. Tenthly, I DID respond to your stupid "voting with my heart" question, and I gave you an honest fucking answer, that I just wanted to be right when the Giants won, so I could say I told you so.
Good day.