03-07-2002, 12:37 AM
[img] [url=http://images.andale.com/f2/115/104/6485603/1015461161912_14139_S_D.jpg]<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://images.andale.com/f2...._D.jpg">http://images.andale.com/f2...._D.jpg</a><!-- m -->[/img]
Mosquito Magnet Pro
USDA tested, Coast Guard proven, Mosquito Magnet eradicates biting insects
This thing rocks!
It will (after a few days) totally get rid of those nasty buggers in like an acre of land. Gone...Everyone of 'em.
Mosquito Magnet Pro
USDA tested, Coast Guard proven, Mosquito Magnet eradicates biting insects
This thing rocks!
It will (after a few days) totally get rid of those nasty buggers in like an acre of land. Gone...Everyone of 'em.
<center><img src=http://images.andale.com/f2/115/104/6485603/1013144859985_loser3.jpg>
<marquee> I stood long and hard until the light...Rubbing needles in my eyes...eating dirt...I stood up...and everything was all-right!</marquee>
<marquee> I stood long and hard until the light...Rubbing needles in my eyes...eating dirt...I stood up...and everything was all-right!</marquee>