05-18-2003, 05:56 AM
Quote:WWF Title, No Holds Barred Match: Shawn Michaels (Champion) vs. Diesel
Diesel throws his vest on Vince at ringside, probably just to stir stuff up among the small population of "smart" fans that knew Nash was on his way out. Or maybe he was just trying to be cool; I don't know. Shawn enters to a major pop, and we get underway. They slug it out from the bell and Diesel ends up on the outside where Shawn follows with a sweet moonsault from the top rope all the way to the floor. Diesel rolls in and Shawn grabs the Title belt, jumps off the top rope and nails him with it. That gets the match's first two count. Shawn Flair Flips off a corner whip, then Diesel waffles him and sends him flying off the apron into the guardrail. In, Diesel dismantles Shawn and stares a hole through Vince the whole time. He hits a side suplex, then decides to choke the ref out with his wrist tape just for the Hell of it. He undoes the ref's belt and whips the tar out of Shawn with it. He grabs a chair and goes to work, but Shawn dodges the second attempt, and it hits the ropes and backfires right back in Diesel's face. Shawn now grabs the chair, but Diesel thinks quickly and low blows him, then backdrops him onto the floor. Shawn is an absolute bumping machine here. Diesel follows him to the outside and powerbombs him through the announce table(!), which is a much different type of table than they use today. It's basically a regular table but with a cover and monitors and stuff on top of it. The monitors immediately collapse on top of Shawn despite Vince trying to move them away at the last second. Ouch. Shawn is out. Diesel grabs the Title and starts a premature celebration. Shawn struggles up to his feet, more pissed off than hurt, and clobbers him with a fire extinguisher. Shawn fights back in the ring with his flying forearm, then kips up and smacks Diesel with a chair twice. Diesel retaliates with a big boot, but Shawn punches out of a Jackknife attempt and hits his flying elbow off the top rope. Diesel ducks the superkick and hits a clothesline. They go to the floor where Diesel hotshots him on the rail and decides to talk trash with the legendary Mad Dog Vachon who just happens to be sitting at ringside. Diesel swipes his articificial leg in a move that's so wrong and typical of a dickish heel action, yet outlandishly hilarious at the same time. He tries to use it on Shawn, but Michaels connects with a low blow, takes the leg, winds up, and nails Diesel with it instead. Shawn warms up the band and hits the Superkick for three at 17:56 to retain the WWF Title to a monster pop
hey it was a long time ago. i remembered the details, i just forgot who it was.