07-03-2002, 04:51 PM
Quote:It has been a while since I have read Ender's Game....
though we could get current and read about Ender's Shadow......
Bean is such a cute little dickens.
You really gotta read Ender's Game first to appreciate Ender's Shadow. Though, I think Shadow of the Hedgemon is a better sequel than the ending of the Speaker for the Dead saga.
Quote:dent i have a question about the books we nominate...my girlfriend really came up with the idea...should we limit it to books we will be able to obtain at the library for those of us funds challenged individuals? or perhaps like $6 paperbacks...rather than the just out hardcover non-fiction $35 book...just wondering for next go round of nominations
That's why I have a Library Card. I'd go broke if I bought all the books I read. If this is an issue, we can include it for round two (assuming this works out and people WANT to do a round 2).