12-26-2003, 07:07 AM
The Jays Wrote:Oh yeah, and this Old Navy painter's pants commercial. Cmon, Fran Drescher? She's like 50. And this annoying music. Bleh.And she commits the biggest crime against the white race that can be imagined.
"My sha-zizz-le's gone faz-izzle!" <--- Look, honkey, you DO NOT want to be like "them" trust me. YECH.
I FUCKING HATE HER. Whenever an old navy ad comes on, I HAVE to surf. At LEAST mute. And the LAST old navy broad was no better. Fucken 90 years old, and had those god-awful glasses. Those fuckers make me want to cut her ears off, so she'd be incapable of wearing them.
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