12-29-2003, 07:21 AM
I hope you're not spazzing out over my WAY-TOO-EASY, knee-jerk-reactionary racial slurs.
My god, it's a joke. And when I don't have anything funny/relavent/pertinant/intelligent to say (more often than not), I blurt out something filthy.
Way to make me backpedal. If you had more than 2 posts, I'd laugh, but I think you're for real.
Edited By F-Tool on 1072710400
My god, it's a joke. And when I don't have anything funny/relavent/pertinant/intelligent to say (more often than not), I blurt out something filthy.
Way to make me backpedal. If you had more than 2 posts, I'd laugh, but I think you're for real.
Edited By F-Tool on 1072710400
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