02-13-2002, 08:40 PM
Overall, I was disappointed in the game. It was faaaaaar to linear. You went from point A to B to C, that was it. And it has absoluelty no replay value. Sure, it had side quests, but they really didnt do much for the story. In previous FF games (especially 7), the reason you did the side-quests was to find out more about the story-line (You never would have found about about the true connection between Cloud and Sephiroth if you never did the Shinra Mansion side-quest, nor would you have found Vincent as a playable character). The side-quests in FFX were to get the ultimate weapons, thats it. And since the final boss was SO PATHETICALLY EASY, if your chracters were leveled up enough you could have easily skipped those missions altogther. Visually, it is the best FF, hands down. Storywise, it's up there with Shaq-Fu.