07-23-2003, 08:23 PM
Started for me in what must have been the fall of Freshman year in high school... so... 1998? I think my first was "Ozzie - Back on Earth"... i think the site was audiofind.com... they just hosted a jillion songs on their site; it was great for a few months, then I guess they ran into legal trouble. Someone in my Spanish class said "well, when I can't find something, I use this thing called Napster, but only as a last resort." Well, I downloaded it, tried it, and thought to myself "wow, what an idiot, this is the best thing ever, this is gonna be my first place to look",... and so it was. I got Morpheus shortly after Napster went down, and when Morpheus turned into a gnutella client, I went over to Grokster and then Kazaa Lite... still there. In the middle somewhere there, I found audiogalaxy and used it for stuff I couldnt find elsewhere... I couldn't have filled out my Spaz Week In Review collection without it. [Paul Harvey] And now you know,... the REST of the story. [/Paul Harvey]