02-07-2002, 03:43 PM
10:39 just sent an email....should've told him just how good he's gonna look in a Yankee jersey when I put him in one..... :p
Now I gotta work on my essay on the O.J. Simpson trial and why it would have happened differently in France.
WTF is up with 3 of my professors giving us weekly written assignments that need to be handed in? I thought I was done with that bullshit in high school.
Now I gotta work on my essay on the O.J. Simpson trial and why it would have happened differently in France.
WTF is up with 3 of my professors giving us weekly written assignments that need to be handed in? I thought I was done with that bullshit in high school.
Oh no we took it back to far
Only love can save us now.....