01-16-2002, 04:37 PM
Sean Cold Wrote:Umm I thought it was my turn to go into the bathroom with you. Fuck I always get left out, but if you want, I am sure I can DREAM of a girl to show.Quote:Should I change my name to Miss Cleo? And while your at it, can you make a wanna be rock star forum to?You could call it Rock Talk with Sean Cold, you corpse at norton can all talk about how your just in it for the music. And you can give tips on how to keep your hair from frizin out under the hot lights.Plusss you can tell us how to score groupies, oh wait, corpse cant do that he has a purse to hold, but you can give us all your wisdom, should take what maybe 1 post about 3 lines long?
Oh shit, I forgot to ask you something really important.
Are you dating anyone right now?
Because I know Saturday, I really have to take a piss! :bouncer: :no, really, fuck off: :bouncer: