02-25-2002, 05:05 PM
Sean Cold Wrote:You know you have been with someone for a long fuckin time when..................OK, now that's just fucking sad Sean. Did you spy on me when I was married or what??
......as a man, you actualy remember to put the toilet seat down.
......you start thinking the the Lifetime movies aren't really all that bad.
......when you hate his/her mother more than you hate your own.
......your weekends "big" plans are dinner and a movie with some "quality" time as a night cap instead of spending all day Sunday trying to rember what shit you got into on Friday & Saturday.
......When you cave in and decide that every room doesn't need black furinature and that pastel will liven shit up.
......when Hot Pockets or a tv dinner doesn't seem like a good idea for dinner after all.
.......Monday Night foot what? I watched Ally McBeal.
I ALWAYS pud down the toilet seat. Even if I go to a guys house, and it was up before I started going. I'll still put it down.
She ALWAYS used to make my ass watch Lifetime. And I fucking hated it. All those shows about rape, or retards, or missing children, or kidnapping, then raping retards children. Fuckin useless channel. I used to get her back by making her watch OLN and Speedvision. Yeah, that went over like a lead balloon.
I ALWAYS hated her mother. She did too.
Wait, so you mean you actually are allowed to go out alone when you're married? I never knew. I thought EVERY night was that "quality" time.
She allowed me to decorate the kitchen. It was black and silver. That's where letting me pick out the designs ended.
I never at hot pockets much, but she couldnt cook. So it was whatever I felt like making. Well ok, thats a lie. It's whatever she TOLD me to make.
i want something good to die for, to make it beatiful to live</center>
i want something good to die for, to make it beatiful to live</center>