03-22-2002, 04:02 AM
You can change all the icons and colors you want. You can add and delete forums left and right. You can even start over with all new members. But that's not addressing the one main problem over there. The reason myself and many others left. The management. Once that changes (either staff or policy), then the site will fall back into the same rutt. I also don't like the way mods are treated over there. They are not gods, yet some people treat them that way. The thing I like about this site is that in fact, the mods take just as big a beating if not more than the rest of the members. People are just people here. No one's better, no one's worse (except keyser )
i want something good to die for, to make it beatiful to live</center>
i want something good to die for, to make it beatiful to live</center>