02-08-2003, 12:01 AM
The first hour of the show i actually started feeling sorry for him. But when they started to show him with his "children" things started to get alittle scary. He says his kids wear the masks for protection against kidnapping. I think it makes it easier just look for the 3 kids with ugly masks and pajama's on. I dont think he's a child molester though. I think he's A sexual. He has no sexual feelings for men women or children. We know Joe Jackson abused him and his brothers for years. He had no childhood of any kid. And now he is 44 years old and still believes he's a kid. (or peter pan)
<center><img src=http://mysite.verizon.net/vze78drk/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/whoshot.jpg.w300h229.jpg></center>