04-15-2002, 03:32 PM
Played all the mentioned sports and games except knuckles, but no one mentioned the other tag games there were. Freeze tag was mentioned but what about Ice Scream tag and TV tag and that one where if you were caught you became a stationary person for the "it" person. If you tagged someone they we're it also and the winner was the last person not caught. Also, going to the pool and playing "all sharks under"(also called sharks and minnows) and swim races and crazy dive contests and stuff were great. Belly flop contests were more funner.
I hold the dubious honor of being the only person never modded who has also never been to a party who in the past had a shared account with a vegetable reference that has had consensual sex with a woman who wasn't from the board that also knows what >) means and remembers the end of the golden age.