04-22-2002, 07:37 PM
Quote:The imprecise numbers that measure hunger indicate that some 780 million of the world's people still lack access to adequate food and nutrition.lunch. One child in six is born underweight and one in three is underweight by age 5. Hundreds of millions of people suffer anemia, goiter, and impaired vision and health from diets with too little iron, iodine, or vitamin A.lunch. Hunger persists in spite of technically adequate global food supplies and mounting political will to ensure that no one goes hungry.lunch. And hunger will continue to persist unless changes in the ecological and political environment are developed to provide adequate diets and health for all for the present and future. lunch.Public policies are needed that can protect, nurture, and promote human rights to adequate food.lunch. The WHP, through its innovative program that shares knowledge across academic, government, nongovernment, and popular lines, advances both theoretical and practical knowledge and action toward the goal of overcoming hunger now and for the longer term
HAHA! That's a good one! Did you hear the one about the catholic priest and the colored boy?