04-23-2002, 05:33 PM
Quote:You fuckin pussy!
Yeah, this board is about having fun. Why should you be the only one allowed to have fun? And not let anyone else? How come if you don't like a thread, then you hijack it? But if it's one of your SERIOUS threads, then you flip when people defile?
Fuckin hypocrite.
first off - what the fuck are you talking about? Listen asshole - you've gotten so caught up in the TOG of Maymay is a dick that you truly HAVE become a dick. There was a time when you could take a fuckin joke but now you're sooo fuckin high up on your Asst. Admin powers that the smallest little thing people say or do triggers your ass in a rant. You tossed amy and ken in the cell cuz they decided to play along with me? You can't honestly tell me that wasn't very OA.com'ish of you.
You don't like the way people act or say or post so you ban them. Except you don't ban here. You throw them in the cell.......How very mod'ish of you. Even in my worst day, I'd never expect that from you. Maybe people are right. Maybe you really ARE an asshole and I should stop defending you. You probably don't even realize that I have been cuz you're so full of yourself.
So fuck you and and the horse you rode in on. you have a problem with my actions, take it out with me, not on others.
oh and btw - when the fuck did you ever see me post a serious thread in here. even my shit with arpi was in humour but if you're too fuckin blind to see that then you're a dumber fuck than i thought.
Have a great day!