03-18-2006, 12:27 AM
Turn him into a dung beetle. That will fix his dumb ass.
The spooks come out at night.
03-18-2006, 12:27 AM
Turn him into a dung beetle. That will fix his dumb ass.
The spooks come out at night.
03-18-2006, 01:20 AM
blah blah blah i read that jesus was blah blah blah i'm smarter than you blah blah blah NIGGER!
http://www.dvdspot.com/member=Gonzostyle http://www.myspace.com/brooklyngonzo http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=770777388 diceisgod Wrote:I LOVE YOU GONZY WONZY SNOOKIE WOOKIE DUMPLIN BUNS!
03-18-2006, 12:09 PM
GonzoStyle Wrote:blah blah blah i read that jesus was blah blah blah i'm smarter than you blah blah blah NIGGER!blah blah blah watch me have an emotional outburst because that's all I'm really good at blah blah blah i'm the greatest poster of all time blah blah blah JEW!
03-18-2006, 05:08 PM
Luna Wrote:GonzoStyle Wrote:blah blah blah i read that jesus was blah blah blah i'm smarter than you blah blah blah NIGGER!blah blah blah watch me have an emotional outburst because that's all I'm really good at blah blah blah i'm the greatest poster of all time blah blah blah JEW! yeah that was an emotional outburst, you sure nailed me. http://www.dvdspot.com/member=Gonzostyle http://www.myspace.com/brooklyngonzo http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=770777388 diceisgod Wrote:I LOVE YOU GONZY WONZY SNOOKIE WOOKIE DUMPLIN BUNS!
03-20-2006, 10:29 PM
Luna Wrote:Keyser Soze Wrote:you're barking up the wrong tree. your little wiccan, or whatever the fuck it is you believe in, fairy tale is as laughable as the one you just described. you're as much of a kook as the people you're mocking.I don't affiliate myself with any religious group.... I can only say I'm agnostic. As opposed to most of early Christianity's beliefs being a mockery of Wiccans? (Devil has horns, the term Pagan most closely translates to "Hick",...) The reason Jesus wasn't recorded by the Romans is because he wasn't important to the Romans. He was a reformer/challenger of the Jewish religion. The Jewish historian of the time does record him. But Rome would care about one more upset Jew. There were THOUSANDS of them.
03-25-2006, 11:37 PM
if it weren't for christopher columbus, that little spook would be floating in a stream in darfur right now.
i would think that blacks would be alittle more grateful for slavery.
03-26-2006, 12:02 AM
i like jews. they don't fly planes into our buildings or stay unemployed and full of chicken.
03-26-2006, 12:13 AM
oh. well in that case, i dont know.
yet another reason we need a jewish history month.
03-26-2006, 12:22 AM
they are a very motivated and productive people.
they have no tolerance for tomfoolery. if jews were a hairstyle, they'd be the buzzcut or the mullet, without the party in the back.
03-26-2006, 05:25 PM
Sloatsburgh Wrote:wiccans didn't even exist at the start of the christian movement... the word was nonexistent... the movement was nonexistentLuna Wrote:Keyser Soze Wrote:you're barking up the wrong tree. your little wiccan, or whatever the fuck it is you believe in, fairy tale is as laughable as the one you just described. you're as much of a kook as the people you're mocking.I don't affiliate myself with any religious group.... I can only say I'm agnostic. RE: The devil and horns and all that shit -- Do you know how the term "scapegoat" came to be? In days of long ago on the Day of Atonement, the high priest (this is Judaism, not christianity) would bring a goat into the temple, place his hands on it's head, and confess the people's sins, transferring guilt to the guiltless beast, which was then led to the wilderness and abandoned... the people's sins and blame vanishing with the goat in the wilderness. Ever notice how the Satan guy usually has a head and horns of a goat... he also usually has hooves, too. The mythic Greek God Pan of the woods and fertility morphed into Satan/The Devil by the christian propaganda-ists. oh, and it was believed that Jebus was an Essene. Essenes were a reform group of Judaism. Jesus may have existed, but he did not walk on water, he did not feed 5000 people with one fish at a wedding and he did not rise from the dead and he was not born on the 25th of December. The story is a solar allegory or astrotheology. THE BIG YELLOW ONE'S THE SUN. There was a time when people worshipped Zeus, too.... there was a time when people doubted Zeus and ridiculed him as well. It is believed that Zeus turned into the vengeful biblical god of our culture today.
03-26-2006, 05:40 PM
1000 years from now the only way someone will remember who you are is if you saved or killed a group of people. so when you die it doesn't matter to anyone else but you so why dwell on it. no one cares what happens to you when you die. if it's like sleeping without the dreams i say bring it on... cause dammit i am tired.
03-26-2006, 05:50 PM
that post turned out to be deeper than you expected, didn't it.
03-26-2006, 07:51 PM
Quote:the people's sins and blame vanishing with the goat in the wilderness. What happens if the goat comes back? |