Could be worse I guess, I could have aspired to be Maynard's Asian prag or something, and that would be truely pathetic
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Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
PollyannaFlower46 Wrote:I wish I understood used to say ball lint and I remember why it said that...but I don't remember why it says poop...its okay though...I'm not complaining
<marquee> I stood long and hard until the light...Rubbing needles in my eyes...eating dirt...I stood up...and everything was all-right!</marquee>
PollyannaFlower46 Wrote:I wish I understood used to say ball lint and I remember why it said that...but I don't remember why it says poop...its okay though...I'm not complaining
Poop makes me laugh. :roflmao: :fuggin: :roflmao:
No shit you fuckin 7 year old! :roflmao:
The best thing to do to sluggo, is to sneak up behind him, and just say...poop. He will lose it.
<center> i want something good to die for, to make it beatiful to live</center>
<marquee> I stood long and hard until the light...Rubbing needles in my eyes...eating dirt...I stood up...and everything was all-right!</marquee>
<marquee> I stood long and hard until the light...Rubbing needles in my eyes...eating dirt...I stood up...and everything was all-right!</marquee>
<marquee> I stood long and hard until the light...Rubbing needles in my eyes...eating dirt...I stood up...and everything was all-right!</marquee>