fact, I'm talking with FTL about them now. They're just not my taste.
You guys are fuckin whacked. She just has alot of the same tastes in music as me. But then again....there's stuff I listen to that she would hate with a passion I'm sure.
I just like alot of fuzzy distortion rock and thats what she's into.
<center> i want something good to die for, to make it beatiful to live</center>
I like just about every type of music, except most that is crappy trendy mainstream, unartistic fodder that comes about more through a marketing meeting than based on artistic talent, integrity or originality. In that way, Maynard and I share the same tastes in music :thumbs-up:
I'm not ascared of anyone
<center>In the 60's people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.</center>