it goes back to the time when the heebs nailed this long haired guy with a huge following to a cross. Rumours have it that he died but it was really nothing more than a disappearing act. Kinda like David Copperfield but without the hot chicks and fireballs coming out of his ass. It goes on about him coming back to life but in reality he was hiding in a mountain with MoMo doing some serious Hydro with his 12 man posse. They were gonna realease an album. "JC and The boys" but had issues with the label companies wanting to censor the album covers that had some hot chick named Jessibel showing her ankles.
When is bad friday?
And its a good thing i'm agnostic. I can eat whatever the hell i want when i want and I dont have to have a silly black x on my forehead on ash weds.
HyBriD Wrote:great........ ive already broken the rules, i totally forgot it was good friday and i had some taylor ham for breakfast..... :wilbur:
You are hereby banished to Hoboken, New Jersey
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Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.