03-31-2002, 12:06 AM
Hmmmmmm, what can I say about this thread...?
Well, I was in on this site from the beginning, and I know how Sean feels about it. This site is his baby, and it will be a success. Sean and I have our differences, but I can tell you one thing about him, he stands by his convictions.
This site is great for one reason, it stands on its own. There is no advertising. You have to be a member before you can even view the board, let alone post. That in and of itself is a testament to you all. This board has grown in leaps and bounds since its inception. All the while, oa.com has fallen by the wayside.
Some of you may remember that I once said, "the board is nothing without its members". Froy mocked this, as did many of his mods. But, look at you all now. The sole reason for the success of this site is its members and its owner's ability to "butt the fuck out".
Now, although I may not think that this board is perfect, it's definitely a cut above oa.com. This place beckons to the oa.com of old, but remains decidely different.
Some of you may question the validity of my comments, but chew on this... I left this board mainly because I did not agree with what was going on. I could've fought it, like I always do, but I thought that maybe I didn't have all of the answers. When the opportunity arose to come back, I jumped at it. The members that make up this board are, for the most part, the members that kept me coming back to oa.com. Not for popularity, nor for hopes of moderatorship, but for the content of the posts.
I'm glad to be back, and I'm glad that Sean's board has worked out so well. It may not be my ideal configuration of a message board, but "the grass is always greener".
I can tell you this, Sean has gone through a lot to keep this place running. And, he deserves a hell of a lot of recognition for it. So to you Sean, I tip my beer, and acknowledge your accomplishment here. Great job, and keep up the good work.
Well, I was in on this site from the beginning, and I know how Sean feels about it. This site is his baby, and it will be a success. Sean and I have our differences, but I can tell you one thing about him, he stands by his convictions.
This site is great for one reason, it stands on its own. There is no advertising. You have to be a member before you can even view the board, let alone post. That in and of itself is a testament to you all. This board has grown in leaps and bounds since its inception. All the while, oa.com has fallen by the wayside.
Some of you may remember that I once said, "the board is nothing without its members". Froy mocked this, as did many of his mods. But, look at you all now. The sole reason for the success of this site is its members and its owner's ability to "butt the fuck out".
Now, although I may not think that this board is perfect, it's definitely a cut above oa.com. This place beckons to the oa.com of old, but remains decidely different.
Some of you may question the validity of my comments, but chew on this... I left this board mainly because I did not agree with what was going on. I could've fought it, like I always do, but I thought that maybe I didn't have all of the answers. When the opportunity arose to come back, I jumped at it. The members that make up this board are, for the most part, the members that kept me coming back to oa.com. Not for popularity, nor for hopes of moderatorship, but for the content of the posts.
I'm glad to be back, and I'm glad that Sean's board has worked out so well. It may not be my ideal configuration of a message board, but "the grass is always greener".
I can tell you this, Sean has gone through a lot to keep this place running. And, he deserves a hell of a lot of recognition for it. So to you Sean, I tip my beer, and acknowledge your accomplishment here. Great job, and keep up the good work.