03-30-2002, 03:00 PM
I don't know what to think....Thursday night i was at the Beacon theater to see Dreamtheater wrap up the 1st leg of there North American tour. During their second set DreamTheater came out and played Metallica - MASTER OF PUPPETS (the album, not just the song) From BATTERY to ORION.
Being a DreamTheater fan I always enjoy when the band throws in it's mix of cover-songs, but at the same time I payed to see DreamTheater, not a Metallica tribute band.
Although i can't understand people who were getting completley pissed about them playing the whole ablum. DT didn't have an opening Act. They started at 8pm and played straight till midnight. So people got there 3 hrs of original music plus 1 hr of goofing around by the band.
What would you think if one of you Favorite Bands didn this at a concert?....Not just do a Cover song, but a Cover album?
<img border="0" src="http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/7250ae73/bc/SIGS/dreamtallica.jpg?bcBXU98Are7jUfmg"></p>
<img border="0" src="http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/7250ae73/bc/SIGS/dreamtallica2.jpg?bcBXU98A75MCnhJ8"></p>
<EMBED src="http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/7250ae73/bc/SIGS/windowlck2.swf?bchee48A3ze4VrT4" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=100 >
Edited By windowlck on Mar. 30 2002 at 3:47
Being a DreamTheater fan I always enjoy when the band throws in it's mix of cover-songs, but at the same time I payed to see DreamTheater, not a Metallica tribute band.
Although i can't understand people who were getting completley pissed about them playing the whole ablum. DT didn't have an opening Act. They started at 8pm and played straight till midnight. So people got there 3 hrs of original music plus 1 hr of goofing around by the band.
What would you think if one of you Favorite Bands didn this at a concert?....Not just do a Cover song, but a Cover album?
<img border="0" src="http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/7250ae73/bc/SIGS/dreamtallica.jpg?bcBXU98Are7jUfmg"></p>
<img border="0" src="http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/7250ae73/bc/SIGS/dreamtallica2.jpg?bcBXU98A75MCnhJ8"></p>
<EMBED src="http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/7250ae73/bc/SIGS/windowlck2.swf?bchee48A3ze4VrT4" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=100 >
Edited By windowlck on Mar. 30 2002 at 3:47