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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - My First FU

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Displaying 1-25 of 60 messages in this thread.
Posted ByDiscussion Topic: My First FU
Psycho Bitch
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 5:45 AM      
Registered: Jul. 01
Ugh I don't even know where to start I am sooooooo pissed. Okay, let's start with why I am awake at 5:30 am. I got a phone call about an hour ago from my best friend. She was hysterically crying, asking me to pick her up in the city. So I jump in my car and rush in to pick her up. Now why was she in the city crying hysterically at 4:30 in the mornng? Because she got in a fight with her boyfriend and he left her in the village. Now I don't care why they fought or who started it or why and I could care less how pissed either of you were YOU DO NOT LEAVE A CRYING GIRL ALONE IN THE CITY AT 4 AM!!!!!
So FU Leo for being an insensitive prick and leaving her alone to wander around the city! FU for making her think it was her fault!! And FU because I know she'll take your sorry ass back.

Yeah um ok I think that's it....and people wonder why I don't trust men..... :(

thanks for the find wpp :)

I'm insane and you're my insanity
"You fuck me, then snub me. You love me, you hate me. You show me your sensitive side, then you turn into a total asshole! Is that a pretty accurate description of our relationship, Tyler?"
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 5:55 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
wow PB i am sorry to hear that but i know all too well about the calls in the middle of the night with someone in toruble, it sucks.

I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound
I wanna push my face in and feel the swoon
My wormwood meets your pesticide
You'll never get out, coz you were never alive
I am infinite, I am the infant finite
Come a little closer and I'll show you why

She-Mail Me Here

NJ Panther
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 8:18 AM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Now...that sux.....hope your friend realizes what a good friend you are.

As far as Mr.dumper, (ha, how fitting) you never leave a woman in a situation like that, I don't care what the reason.

Here's hoping that she realizes what a douche he is.

Never bother having an argument with an idiot
who controls your ability to voice your responses.

Ants in My Pants

Well, since this thread is going to be deleted anyway... I'm a flaming homosexual and I love having big hard hot man meat rammed into my mouth and ass. Umm, this IS going to be deleted, right???
Prettiest Butterfly in the garden
All Blow job poems ©Fez 2002-2003. I'm obsessed with Alkey's penis.
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 12:13 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01

So FU Leo for being an insensitive prick and leaving her alone to wander around the city!
Why would she date a guy named Leo anyway? Eeech.

PB, you're a really good friend to do that for her, let's just hope she appreciates you for it. Maybe you can help her find a better guy too.

SLASH's New Buddy, but shhh...
I am not allowed to tell anyone.
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 12:43 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01
Holy shit...What a dick...
The few times I was ever in an argument like that,
I got out of the car, and let her go home.
Almost as stupid...
There was no one to pick me up...that sucked,but,I guess that's what I deserved for being an idiot.

Sluggo667...Neighbor of the beast...
UH...I forgot what I wanted to say...
Psycho Bitch
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 12:53 PM      
Registered: Jul. 01

Maybe you can help her find a better guy too.

Sweetheart, first I gotta find myself one! ;) Nah, I think I may have found a good I just got figure him out. Do men come with instruction manuals??

you never leave a woman in a situation like that, I don't care what the reason.

That's exactly what I say!! I cannot even fathom why he would do such a thing.I mean yeah ok she said to just go, leave but she was drunk and upset. I don't care what she said he should not have left her there under ANY circumstances. But she thinks it's her fault for being jealous and insecure :(

thanks for the find wpp :)

I'm insane and you're my insanity
"You fuck me, then snub me. You love me, you hate me. You show me your sensitive side, then you turn into a total asshole! Is that a pretty accurate description of our relationship, Tyler?"
Official Homo
Nothing makes me harder than the thought of my lips wrapped around a pulsating cock, awaiting that one second when it will explode with semen, flooding my throat and nostrils until I choke. Jokes on you... This won't be here much longer... BTW: me and Ants have had sex multiple times and I ALWAYS catch.
Look who's laughing now, fuckers!!!

Is It In Yet? JYD-4-LIFE
[Sarcasm]Subzero316 fan since day one!!1!![/Sarcasm]
"my mod powers are on temporary hiatus"
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P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 1:06 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 01
I feel ya psycho...I remember when my boyfriend left me in the city once...I was so pissed...
hmmm...I'm gonna click reply and regret this one, I know it

"Can you see every painful detail of my muscular phsyique?"

This message was edited by IrishAlkey on 9-2-01 @ 1:09 PM
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 1:08 PM      
Registered: May. 01


Right -- how the F does anyone get so mad that you leave someone in NYC? -- and you are a TRUE friend for going and picking her up.

Do men come with instruction manuals??

Nope -- but men feel the same way about you ladies ;)

if need E-Mail Me
I have always been on the outside looking in and I have always prevailed. I will wage a war that will leave men broken and battered. Many perceive me as having no hope my victory will be an upset. But hope and perception have never ruled my life.
Quote the Raven, nevermore."
Psycho Bitch
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 1:29 PM      
Registered: Jul. 01

Nope -- but men feel the same way about you ladies

Dammit!! why not?? :(
It's pretty easy to figure out what I want....all ya gotta do is ask :)

thanks for the find wpp :)

I'm insane and you're my insanity
"You fuck me, then snub me. You love me, you hate me. You show me your sensitive side, then you turn into a total asshole! Is that a pretty accurate description of our relationship, Tyler?"
Ants in My Pants

Well, since this thread is going to be deleted anyway... I'm a flaming homosexual and I love having big hard hot man meat rammed into my mouth and ass. Umm, this IS going to be deleted, right???
Prettiest Butterfly in the garden
All Blow job poems ©Fez 2002-2003. I'm obsessed with Alkey's penis.
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 1:48 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01

Do men come with instruction manuals??

Step 1: Feed him.
Step 2: Have sex with him.
Step 3: Let him sleep.
Step 4: Repeat Steps 1-3.

2 tired 2 give N F
One of the Teen Tomatoe Boys is Retarted... Guess which one I am!!!
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 1:57 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01

Nope -- but men feel the same way about you ladies

Oh you didn't get the notice at the last meeting...Maxim is now the official instruction manual for women but still feel free to read Cosmo and Glamour as they are the female's play book...

When I have fears that I may cease to be/ Before my pen has gleaned my teaming brain,/ Before high-piled books, in charactery,/ Hold like rich garners the full ripened grain;/ When I behold, upon the night's starred face,/ Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,/ And think that I may never live to trace/ Their shadows, with the magic hand of chance,/ And when I feel, fair creature of a hour,/ That I shall never look upon thee more,/ Never have relish in the fairy power/ Of unreflecting love--then on the shore/ Of the wide world I stand alone, and think/ Till love and fame to nothingness do sink. --Keats
Isles fan for life
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 5:38 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
well then psycho, what do you want? ;)

[email protected]
I'm off to Franklin Pierce College in September. Go Ravens!
Psycho Bitch
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 6:09 PM      
Registered: Jul. 01

Step 1: Feed him.
Step 2: Have sex with him.
Step 3: Let him sleep.
Step 4: Repeat Steps 1-3.

But not necessarily in that order, right? ;)


well then psycho, what do you want?

I'd tell ya but then I'd have to kill ya :)
To quote one of my favorite movies: " I dream of a love that even time will lie down and be still for. I just want someone to love me, I want to be seen"

In other news, the boyfriend ending up breaking up with my friend because she is too jealous. Needless to say she is a mess. They were together a year and it was her first real long-term relationship, she's very insecure and she didn't mean to be jealous but I guess she couldn't handle it. I feel terrible for her but on the other hand she'll probably be better off without him in the end. She's angry at herself for taking the chance and getting involved with him to begin with. But what would life be without taking chances? If you don't take chances you'll never know what you could be missing....really something to think about. Anyway if anyone can give me any advice on what to say to her I'd appreciate it. I really don't know what else to tell her.

thanks for the find wpp :)

I'm insane and you're my insanity
"You fuck me, then snub me. You love me, you hate me. You show me your sensitive side, then you turn into a total asshole! Is that a pretty accurate description of our relationship, Tyler?"
Arthur Dent
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 6:20 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
I'd just like to point out two (TWO! Damn that's annoying) quotes form IrishAlky:


Ill make it quick...if my dick was a seperate entity I would say "FUCK YOU dick." Its worthless. It never holds up its end of the bargain. I go through all the trouble of meeting someone and my dick says "FUCK YOU, I dont feel like lasting that long, Im a dick!" Or maybe all this isnt really my dicks fault. Maybe its the alcohol! In that case, "FUCK YOU alcohol!" No, what the hell am i saying, "I LOVE YOU alcohol!!!"


I feel ya psycho...I remember when my boyfriend left me in the city once...I was so pissed...

Identity crisis, GAY, or full of shit?

And Psycho, I gotta agree no matter WHAT, you NEVER leave a girl ANYWHERE without a ride home. The guy's a dick.

"When I was born I was so surprised I couldn't talk for a year and a half." - Gracie Allen

A much wittier reply came to mind immediately after I clicked the 'Send' button.

I have GRADUATED VooDude. Room for two adoptees.
wow, my name looks odd without 5 lines of type below it in bold and purple and red
Red Wings Captain Cecil
JBA~Remove the Pick & Click NOW!
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 7:46 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Identity crisis, GAY, or full of shit?

dent, i know alkey(he came into chat from rf a few times before coming to's one of those joker guys who put themselves on the line for a laugh and stuff.he's a cool guy.he even somehow convinced FMJeff to make a new chart avatar

i may be a little catholic boy, but i'm still HLJC 4 LIFE!

This is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because

posted on 09-02-2001 @ 7:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01 are truly a good friend, two years ago my ex pushed me out of the car and left me by the Verazanno and not one of my friends came to help me out.

As for what to say to your might be better off saying nothing, I know when I get my heartbroken, the "there are other fish in the sea, you were too good for him, I know how you feel" lines don't do anything for me. Let her cry...bake cookies, rent movies, and just be there and let her babble. Oh and DO NOT let her call him.

why do I say I'm fine when it's obvious I'm not?
why's it so hard to tell you what I want?
why can't you just read my mind?

NJ Panther
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 8:03 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Arthur Dent(from his FU thread):

where I might have the slightest chance of meeting a single woman. I love hanging with my friends, but I never meet OTHER people when I hang with them.

Psycho Bitch:

Anyway if anyone can give me any advice on what to say to her I'd appreciate it. I really don't know what else to tell her.

I know its a lil soon ....but I wonder what Chuck Woolery would say....

Just a thought;)

Never bother having an argument with an idiot
who controls your ability to voice your responses.

Kid Afrika
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 8:10 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
[chris rock]I'm not saying what he did was right, but I understand.[/chris rock]
Although I've never left a chick anywhere, I've certainly come close. Safety would probably be the only thing that would stop me from doing so. I would NEVER, EVER, leave a girl in the city. However, in the suburbs of Jersey, piss me off beyond the point of no return, and your a left bitch. I think there are certain situations that are better to walk away from then to prolong...

Then again, probably explains why I'm single... ;)

And the fame was a plot to try to change me
And what's strange is nobody knew my name 'fore it came

Drunken GW
I Pissed on a Church to get this Status.
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 8:54 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

Identity crisis, GAY, or full of shit?

My guess is a tool.

PB, you gotta be a good friend to do that. Props to you and I'm raising a beer for yah. Hope things work out for your friend. That was a cold thing to do. Be speakin to yah

I wish I could pack a bowl for yah and buy yah a beer.

Proud Member of the S.T.O.N.E.R./Swillers Alliance.
MamA CaZ
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 8:55 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01

Do men come with instruction manuals

no.... and all of mine came defected... I think I need a *troubleshoot* icon.

"All I want is food and creative love"
Kid Afrika
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 8:58 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

and all of mine came defected

All of the men you've dated have disowned allegiance to their country to take up residence here?

Maybe you meant defective? Sorry, it's just what I do...

And the fame was a plot to try to change me
And what's strange is nobody knew my name 'fore it came

Psycho Bitch
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 10:52 PM      
Registered: Jul. 01
Well my friend was here most of the day and I managed to cheer her up. Word of advice, if you ever have a friend who's depressed show them the weeeeeeeeeeee video and FMJeff's post about him and his friends' day of infamy. To quote her "After reading that I now know there's hope for me" So thanks Jeff and no offense :)
Also thanks to the efforts of my friends we were talking to on AIM. Thanks guys :)

And I didn't let her call him but he did call ::shakes head::

thanks for the find wpp :)

I'm insane and you're my insanity
"You fuck me, then snub me. You love me, you hate me. You show me your sensitive side, then you turn into a total asshole! Is that a pretty accurate description of our relationship, Tyler?"
posted on 09-03-2001 @ 11:23 AM      
Registered: Mar. 01

two years ago my ex pushed me out of the car and left me by the Verazanno and not one of my friends came to help me out.

Jesus christ, what the fuck is with guys? At least you can grab a quick train from the village if worst comes to worst, but by the Verrazano's just terrible...the saddest part of all this is these guys actually still get laid...

Psycho, tell your friend her boyfriend's an asshole, that she could have been raped or killed due to his ridiculous actions...maybe that will lead her to the light...

It's not funny, my ass is on fire....
Thanks to the lovely Jolene for my sig pic...

Official gentile member of the HLJC...
Shelle Bink
True star of the celebrity softball game: the redhead in section 101.
posted on 09-03-2001 @ 11:26 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01

Step 1: Feed him.
Step 2: Have sex with him.
Step 3: Let him sleep.
Step 4: Repeat Steps 1-3.


But not necessarily in that order, right?

What about combining the steps? Is that allowed? Can I feed a guy while fucking him? Like with whipped cream, chocolate syrup and cherries... lots of cherries!

Seriously now, PB, sounds like this guy is a real dick ((already said about 100 times)) but I think you should get revenge on him. I'm sure you can figure out something after having our nice convos at the softball game. *zap zap*


he even somehow convinced FMJeff to make a new chart avatar

Just wait til Irish's account is mysteriously deleted.

Hokey Pokey In The Butt

WOWing Gets You Things...
Listen To The PennyRoyals
It's better to burn out than fade away
posted on 09-03-2001 @ 11:40 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Jesus christ, what the fuck is with guys? At least you can grab a quick train from the village if worst comes to worst, but by the Verrazano's just terrible...the saddest part of all this is these guys actually still get laid...

Yep most assholes do get laid...but that particular asshole never got to see me naked again. I personally won't have that shit...treat me like I deserve to be treated. Its one thing to disrespect me behind my back when I can't see it, but throwing me out of a car at night is a totally different story.

By the way PB...tell your friend something I figured out on my own a long time is better to be alone, than to be with someone you love who will never love you the same way back...because that is more lonely than me.

why do I say I'm fine when it's obvious I'm not?
why's it so hard to tell you what I want?
why can't you just read my mind?

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Displaying 1-25 of 60 messages in this thread.