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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Just a FU (read the thread to find out what it's about because it would be too long to say in the title)

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Just a FU (read the thread to find out what it's about because it would be too long to say in the title)
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 8:18 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
FU to the love of my life.

I have been falling in love with this women who I have been good friends with for the past 3 years. She works with me (or worked I should say). WEll, she has a boyfriend with whom she's crazy about. They are considering marriage. Great for her, I hope she's happy, but it FUCKING SUCKS.
Here comes the FU part, she left my company to pursue her dream to be a cop. WEll, she decided she didn't like it (which upsets me because she was so passionate about it), and now, I just found out that she is coming back to my company again.
We are very close friends, so seeing her all the time is going to be great again. But FU, because I know how I'm going to feel every time I see her or talk to her. Every time she looks at me, with those eyes full of intelligence, and passion. It just fucking kills me.

Fuck You. To her coming back, and to life in general for not letting me have 1 thing to make me happy.

i'm on the outside, i'm looking in
i can see through you, see your true colors

This message was edited by MaynardGKrebs on 9-7-01 @ 9:26 AM
The sky is blue
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 8:38 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
Don't worry about it, like the old saying goes there are other boy scouts in the basement.

I'm still saved....

I am starting my very own group to combat the evil of this board. IM me at fezoanda if you are interested. The only requirement is that you be me.
onehung lo434
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 9:04 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

I have been madly in love with this women for the past 3 years.

?? Weren't you married about 6 months ago to another person,,talking about raising kids etc:?
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 9:18 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
Yes, I was married, but NEVER talk about kids. I said I wanted kids, just not with her. My marriage was pretty bad shortly after we got married. Stupid asses we were. Anyway, yes, I fell in love with this other woman while I was UN-HAPPILY married. But I NEVER NEVER NEVER did anything about it until I got seperated. And if you remember why I got divorced, it was because my wife cheated on me. Not that it would have worked anyway, but still, she could have at least divorced me before going out and getting some somewhere else.

i'm on the outside, i'm looking in
i can see through you, see your true colors

This message was edited by MaynardGKrebs on 9-7-01 @ 9:25 AM
Lord Duvious
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 9:53 AM      
Registered: Jul. 01
One question...does this girl know how you feel?

Email Me

It takes a lot of work to get this cynical.

You can get a pretty good look at a t-bone by sticking your head up a bull's ass, but wouldn't you rather take the butcher's word for it?
onehung lo434
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 10:02 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

she could have at least divorced me before going out and getting some somewhere else.

yea,your probably right,but.Most people aren't going to leave someone untill they find a suitable replacement first.Oh well,good luck.
Drunken GW
I Pissed on a Church to get this Status.
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 10:08 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
That sucks Maynard. I'd say get over it. If she's crazy about the guy she's with then there doesn't look like you have much of a shot. Or take the leap and tell her how yah feel. But I'd do it outside of work. Good luck.

I wish I could pack a bowl for yah and buy yah a beer.

Proud Member of the S.T.O.N.E.R./Swillers Alliance.
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 10:09 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01

does this girl know how you feel?

Yes :-(


Most people aren't going to leave someone untill they find a suitable replacement first

Yeah, thats too bad though. That's not me, I couldn't do that.

i'm on the outside, i'm looking in
i can see through you, see your true colors
Black Lazerus
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 10:14 AM      
Registered: May. 01
Well if your feeling lonley i have a few spare girls in the trunk.... they smell a little but they are tight.

Sorry to hear that man that always happens with girls i am interested in more than just a F.

The Leader Of The Black Revolutionary Army

This means WAR!!
The Revolution Has Begun!!!

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posted on 09-07-2001 @ 10:26 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
F U to unrequited love :(

Sorry babe, you're a great guy, the right chick will come along...

Withdrawn and introverted,
Infectiously perverted
Being laughed at and confused
Keeps us pleasantly amused...enough to stay


Head Slap... Swim Move...
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 10:45 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
So, you're into police uniforms...

I knew you were a Village People fan.

Don't worry, the right guy is out there for you, short hair and all.

The sky is blue
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 10:48 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

Don't worry, the right guy is out there for you, short hair and all.


I'm still saved....

I am starting my very own group to combat the evil of this board. IM me at fezoanda if you are interested. The only requirement is that you be me.
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 11:15 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
Magus in a cop uniform? I always pictured him more of the Construction Worker type.

i'm on the outside, i'm looking in
i can see through you, see your true colors
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 1:01 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
I don't know what you're feeling but I can probably guess. It's the type of girl who you look for in all other girls. Not the most attractive in the usual sense but to you she's the hottest, most beautiful female ever to grace the planet. Ever girl you look at, you date, you want does, in a way, look like her. You not only enjoy conversations with her, you yearn for them. She's the type of girl you want to follow, not to stalk (well maybe to stalk) but also to protect. You don't want any harm to come to her. And the perfect day, the day you pray for, is the day when she breaks up with her significant other and hope to God that she realizes where she can turn to for her new relationship. You don't care that you're rebound guy because once you got the have it.

The narrator in Fight Club is the man we will be, Patrick Bateman in American Psycho is the man we want to be
Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than Brittney
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 1:12 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: May. 01
What a nice sentiment Ikea, Bravo. :)

Lovin' you is like lovin the dead...
Official Homo
Nothing makes me harder than the thought of my lips wrapped around a pulsating cock, awaiting that one second when it will explode with semen, flooding my throat and nostrils until I choke. Jokes on you... This won't be here much longer... BTW: me and Ants have had sex multiple times and I ALWAYS catch.
Look who's laughing now, fuckers!!!

Is It In Yet? JYD-4-LIFE
[Sarcasm]Subzero316 fan since day one!!1!![/Sarcasm]
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P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 1:54 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 01
Sorry Maynard, I feel ya buddy...been there and back a couple of fact I think I'm still in denial that I feel the same way...but anyway, have you checked out Gonzo's thread on's opened doors I never knew existed...good luck man!

"Can you see every painful detail of my muscular phsyique?"

Freshmen at Austin U...where only the strong survive!...good lookin' for the sig pic graphics Austin :)
Psycho Bitch
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 2:15 PM      
Registered: Jul. 01
Awww Maynard, I'm sorry. :(
Sucks man, I know it all too well

Why is it that the people you like never like you ? Or if someone likes you, you don't like them. Then when you start to like them they stop liking you? I thought these things only happened to me....

Feel better babe! I can do the BN "I'm here for ya if you need to talk" thing and get away with it 'cause I'm a girl ;)

thanks for the find wpp :)

I'm insane and you're my insanity

I'm going crazy, a little every day, and everything I wanted is now driving me away, I woke this morning to the sound of beating hearts, mine is full of questions and it's tearing yours apart...
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 2:48 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01

I can do the BN "I'm here for ya if you need to talk" thing

Does that mean you're gonna grope me too?

i'm on the outside, i'm looking in
i can see through you, see your true colors

This message was edited by MaynardGKrebs on 9-7-01 @ 2:50 PM
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 2:56 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
I'm with you on this one, bro. Many a time a lady has waltzed into my life and set my heart aflutter. Only to rip it out by going off with some tool or giving me the "I just wanna be friends" line of crap. I say, Walk it off,deek, and be patient. She'll find you. Besides you can tell her how you feel and see what happens. he worst she could do is hit you with the "friends" bit or her nightstick.

It ain't easy being greasy in a world full of cleanliness and you know, all that other madness.
Psycho Bitch
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 3:15 PM      
Registered: Jul. 01

Does that mean you're gonna grope me too?

You wish! ;) I don't grope....much....well, unless I'm really drunk haha


Many a time a lady has waltzed into my life and set my heart aflutter. Only to rip it out by going off with some tool or giving me the "I just wanna be friends" line of crap.

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt...with a guy of course ;) Best you can do is let them know and if they hit ya with the friends thing go for it, it's better to have them as a friend than not at all. Everything works out in the end. Give it time :)

thanks for the find wpp :)

I'm insane and you're my insanity

I'm going crazy, a little every day, and everything I wanted is now driving me away, I woke this morning to the sound of beating hearts, mine is full of questions and it's tearing yours apart...
and i am apologizing now for the spelling errors, its 34 am and im drunk, so no time for spell check! Gotcha, SLASH i'll mmmm momo all i want! and you cant stop me!
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 6:01 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

F U to unrequited love

Spit took the words right out of my mouth...that pretty much explains it all..

...squint your eyes and look closer
i'm not between you and your ambition
i am a poster girl with no poster
i am thirty-two flavors and then some
and i'm beyond your peripheral vision
so you might want to turn your head...

This message was edited by virgingrrl on 9-7-01 @ 6:03 PM
I have no fucking clue what happened to Sluggo667.
VinnyWS6: chicks? they dont have the penis so why would i care about them
VinnyWS6: froy is quite hansome
VinnyWS6: I want froys cock!
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 9:08 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
I'm not to good at this type of stuff.....
I guess you could murder her boyfriend.

posted on 09-07-2001 @ 10:47 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Hey Gilligan that sucks. However, if you are passionate about it, go after her. Let her know how you feel. She could still reject you but if you want it bad enough, don't give up that easy.

If it doesn't work out and you need some tips on how to pick up hotties, let me know. I know you got the picking up guys thing down, but it's not to late to try and go straight. :-)

o&aswallow Recognized His Destiny Early.
Too Many Hotties, Not Enough Horny Goat Weed

It at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do suck seed. - Curly Howard.

Pennsylvania resident, but original NYC listener.

This message was edited by o&aswallow on 9-7-01 @ 10:52 PM
Tony Metropolis
posted on 09-08-2001 @ 9:07 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
This hits home to me, Maynard. I used to be a good friend with a girl who I was crazy about for a couple of years. An unexpected event happened, my true feelings got out, she's now with someone else and I'm here licking my wounds. I've managed to get over it somewhat, but I feel what you're going through. The only medication to this is to look for someone else and to binge for a few days/weeks.

posted on 09-10-2001 @ 9:15 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
God Damn that was hard. :-(

Yes she did come back today. Even though I haven't seen her in about a month, as soon as I saw her, I remembered everything that I liked about her.

This was especially hard, because I also have feelings for someone else now. And I'm sure that this would hurt them very much to read this FU.
To them, I'm sorry.

FU love.

i'm on the outside, i'm looking in
i can see through you, see your true colors

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