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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - FU to flagburners in our own country

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: FU to flagburners in our own country
what's a status?
posted on 09-27-2001 @ 9:15 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I believe in freedom of speech, but there comes a time when it should not apply. AM, what do you find offensive than? Is burning your nation's flag offensive? Is calling someone a racial epithet offensive? Is putting cowshit on the virgin Mary offensive? Is saying I wish the president would be killed offensive?

Where do we draw the line. We had the biggest terrorist action in our nation's history and this guy has the fucking nerve to light our nation's symbol of freedom and liberty on fire, not by himself, but in front of very impressionable children. If he does not believe in the flag and what it stands for, than he should not be here. So many people have died for that flag, so this asshole can turn around and burn it.

I am for freedoms as much as the next person, but this crossed the line of decency. Over 7000 people died in this tragedy and patriotism is at an alltime high right now. If he wants to burn the flag, I agree with Gonzo, wrap himself in it and let him burn in hell.

posted on 09-27-2001 @ 9:30 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Is saying I wish the president would be killed offensive?

If you said that you were going to kill the president you should face repercussions. But Groucho Marx said in the 70s that the greatest thing that could happen to this country is if Nixon died. Now he shouldn't have been punished nor was he.

Of course the guy is pretty dumb if he did it at this time. And you are allowed to tell your feelings about him but to punish him because you deem it "offensive" is what the censoring crowd does with sex and violence saying it "offends" them and that it could hurt the "children".

Resident Board Socialist
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what's a status?
posted on 09-27-2001 @ 9:43 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
How is a 6th grade teacher burning a flag in front of kids, during the greatest tragedy this nation has ever faced, the same as the FCC and these stupid organizations banning WOW on buses or fining Howard for something he may said?

Of course, there are assholes everywhere in this country who have burned the flag and we said nothing. I think it is disgusting but live with it. He did it during a tragedy, but what he should get fired for is showing his disgusting beliefs in front of children.

posted on 09-27-2001 @ 9:50 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
No It's more important than the FCC. Because other than that this one has political content. Radio and TV have to do with sex and violence.


but what he should get fired for is showing his disgusting beliefs in front of children.

You are treading a thin line here. Who is to decide what is disgusting and what is not? If people were all that concerned with "impressionable" children then you would be advocating the banning of advertising for children below 8. That does far more damage than any flag-burner would. I hardly think because the teacher did it all the kids wanted to do it. But when they watch a Pokemon commercial they want to be right there with Pikachu. Just because you think something is disgusting and it bothers you shouldn't make it illegal. Here you are saying that it is wrong to burn the flag that people fought for and it's freedoms yet here you are arguing to take away his 1st Amendment rights.

Resident Board Socialist
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Shelle Bink
True star of the celebrity softball game: the redhead in section 101.
posted on 09-27-2001 @ 9:53 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01
After reading all that, I have a simple solution

Send Him To Afghanistan

So How Was Phantom Of The Opera?

posted on 09-28-2001 @ 12:47 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01

And now to find out he doesn't have a Teaching Credential....


Officials: Clift Had No Credential
Teacher Responds To Allegations

SACRAMENTO -- A sixth-grade teacher has been put on administrative leave from a Del Paso Heights school for allegedly burning part of an American flag in a classroom one week after the recent terrorist attacks.

And on Thursday, state and county officials confirmed that the teacher, Kory Clift, did not have the proper credentials to be teaching.

Clift said in a written statement, however, that he did not burn the flag and that his "classroom lesson" about the flag was taken out of context.

Clift Was Previously Disciplined

Clift is accused of burning the corner of a flag with a lighter, school district superintendent Carl Mack Jr. said.

School principal, Steve Skiffington said that Clift told his students to keep the alleged flag burning incident a secret.

"The United States was referred to as United snakes. A teacher told your children, 'If anyone asks what we do in this class, don't tell them what we do,'" Skiffington said.

Skiffington said that he does not want Clift to return to the school.

District officials made a decision on the teacher's fate Tuesday night, but, per district policy, the results were not made available.

"Generally, in my past history, the steps have ranged from any disciplinary action that I feel is appropriate all the way to termination," Mack said.

Clift, a second-year teacher, also allegedly said some "inflammatory" statements, according to Mack, including, "I can't burn it all because it's illegal."

In a letter given to KCRA 3, Clift said, "The intention of my classroom lesson concerning our American flag has been taken out of context. I did not burn our American flag ... I am not a Muslim nor do I support Osama bin Laden, terrorism or any other act of violence. We should not rush to judgement ... I do apologize for the misperceptions of inappropriate behavior taken out of context ... I respect America and believe in democracy."

Clift was disciplined previously by the district for locking a student in a closet as punishment, KCRA 3 reported.

Clift has been put on administrative leave with pay pending the decision by the district, Mack said.

"This flag has been up on everybody's car, their house, to represent patriotism," parent Sonny Tupuanay said. "For (him) to do this ... I don't know."

Clift has reportedly left the area because of death threats.

posted on 09-28-2001 @ 5:24 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Well if he doesn't have the proper credentials then he should be fired.

Resident Board Socialist
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I currently have brought no one into the International
posted on 09-30-2001 @ 8:06 AM      
Registered: Sep. 00
Strap liberals to rockets and send them to space.

Ok, maybe this is not the forum nor place to make this point. But I'll try. Say 7,000 people lost their lives. Say 4,000 them sue 10 organizations. Of these 4,000 theoretical lawsuits, how many of these people will ever see a dime. I know companies like American Airlines, etc.. have loot, but can one company really take 50, 100 mil lawsuits at one time? So many lawsuits arent even gonna see a dime.

P.S. Liberals Suck

posted on 09-30-2001 @ 12:44 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

P.S. Liberals Suck

I agree but just as much as the conservatives. They both such major ass.

Resident Board Socialist
Email me here or IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag
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I currently have brought no one into the International
posted on 10-02-2001 @ 9:02 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Who is to decide what is disgusting and what is not?

The majority...

Rally up your troops, become the majority, then you too can impose your will upon the people. Why? Because it's democracy!

I hope he tells us to burn our pants...these things are driving me nuts! Hold on there maestro, there's a "New" Mexico?
posted on 10-02-2001 @ 9:54 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I seem to remember a piece of paper called the Constitution and it had this first amendment thingy. I think it allows you to make any non-physical harming speech(and by that I mean not yelling fire in a crowded theater) without censorship or retribution. Aw fuck our government puts limits on that as well.

Resident Board Socialist
Email me here or IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag
Webmaster of the Undergound Unofficial I Hate WhackBagKid Message Board
I currently have brought no one into the International
Black Rock Coalition
Do you have a basketball in your car?
posted on 10-02-2001 @ 10:17 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: May. 00
I remember from someone in the army said that if you drop a flag on the floor you must burn it since an american flag laid on soil is disrespectful.

In this case burning anything esp. the flag is going to have a profound effect on the children. C'mon you are entitled to your own opinion but if you burn a flag you are going to make people upset. It's like saying f-the usa and go afganistan or something of the sort.

united snakes geez

It's gonna be tough to fire teachers (unless you fuck them in the class, many NYC teachers seem to get away with that) They have this thing called TENURE They can almost get away with murder. They can unjustly fail almost anyone and simply not teach at all because they've been on the job for years.

This is why we REALLY need education reform...of course after all of this fucked up shit whenever it ends which wont be for a long long time.

LET'S GO RED STORM! St.Johns U. '04

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