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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - FU to people who think I'm stupid

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: FU to people who think I'm stupid
Arthur Dent
posted on 06-30-2001 @ 9:33 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
Fu to polticians. Just because daddy put a new wing on Harvard's library and paid off some big shot party official out of guilt for never being around doesn't make you qualified to decide what I can and can't handle, see, listen to or decide for myself. Guess what choice you can't take away. The choice to vote for the other guy! The difference between a child and an adult is adults make there own choices. Stop treating American citizens like a bunch of ignorant children before they turn off the idiot box, get off their asses and realize how absolutely insulting and condescending you are.

FU to advertisers for creating the absolute stupidest commercials on the face of the earth. Every single one (except for car ads and medicines) are filled with really stupid people doing really stupid stuff. Why? Because, according to the advertising agencies, you IDENTIFY with these people. They are saying YOU are as stupid as the people in these asinine commercials!

FU to Hollywood for making incredibly stupid movies with incredibly stupid characters and plot holes you could pass a large planet through, that is, when there actually is a plot. Why? Because they think your too stupid to understand or be entertained by anything more complicated. And you keep PAYING to be INSULTED! So FU to you too!

FU to people who think just because they have a lazy ass loser for a kid that EVERYONE their kids age is a brainless loser. Yeah, it couldn't JUST be your kid, right? It had to be something in the water, some kind of cosmic alignment of planets that made every kid born within four years of your kid a moron, right?

That's enough for now.

"I don't read books, but I have friends who do." -Presidential Candidate George W. Bush
"I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada." - Britney Spears
I got a staple in my ass and all I got was this status
posted on 07-01-2001 @ 9:01 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
you are an angry man

"i hate people that dont get it!"
The sky is blue
posted on 07-02-2001 @ 9:23 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
Don't feel bad, I think you're stupid.

I'm still saved....

Tune in next week for Gooch's creative works on my status!
posted on 07-02-2001 @ 9:44 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Mar. 01
Politics suck....always have. It's the price of living in a republic.

Listener since 2/3/99, 882 days before syndication
posted on 07-02-2001 @ 12:36 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
(Someone start playing the Star Spangled Banner) Given the choice between what we have in the states, vs europe, asia, or what the ussr used to represent. I think I'd take our system any day. Every time I have ever been overseas, when I returned, I kissed the ground. I LOVE AMERICA. Flawed, yes, but better than anywhere else.

Heaaa fishy fishy fishy fishy. And it went, wherever I, did go!
posted on 07-02-2001 @ 12:56 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
do you mean you are NOT STUPID???


E-Mail Me
METS will go ALL THE WAY THIS YEAR !!!!!!!!!!! (ok maybe not this year but i aint chainging this)
Yankees & the Braves SUCK !!!!!!!!

Resident Strip Club Pimp
King f-tard
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 8:09 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
But, I always thought that you were stupid...

Let the purge continue. Ohio, Are you ready for this?????
Alcohol. The cause of and solution to all of life's problems
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 10:58 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
C'mon guys! We need one more idiot to jump on the bandwagon of stupid jokes and call Arthur Dent stupid!

bunch of fuckin' mongoloids.......

"With just a touch of my burning hand
I send my astro zombies to rape this land
Prime directive, exterminate The whole human race
And your face drops in a pile of flesh
And then your heart, heart pounds
Till it pumps in death
Prime directive, exterminate
Whatever stands left"
-The Misfits

I hate you. I hate everything you stand for. Please, for the love of christ, do not send me a E-mail
Kid Afrika
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 11:14 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70

FU to people who think I'm stupid

Yeah, FU to everyone. ;)

Me and you, yo mama and yo cousin too,
rollin' down the strip on Vogues.
Comin' up slammin' Cadillac do's."

Gay Mohr
posted on 07-04-2001 @ 10:16 AM      
Registered: Aug. 00
I dont think you're Stupid.....but then again...what do I know.

posted on 07-06-2001 @ 11:12 PM      
Registered: May. 01
sorry but f your post its too long. LOL

check me out on the studio board at

Displaying 1-11 of 11 messages in this thread.