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The Debate... - Topper Harley - 06-04-2004

why you!!! *waves fist angrily*

The Debate... - Rooner - 06-04-2004

The pyscological warfare continues.

The Debate... - Topper Harley - 06-04-2004

don't try to make your idiocy try to look like a clever ruse.

The Debate... - Black Lazerus - 06-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Topper Harley
that's like handing a crack addict some money and expecting him to come back with groceries.
or sending header FOR groceries.
"sir you can't eat and shop"

The Debate... - header - 06-04-2004

I do get real distracted at the supermarket.

The Debate... - TheDude - 06-04-2004

I'm a sucker for that cursed table that say "free samples".. I'm not above camping out there for the day.

The Debate... - header - 06-04-2004

Free sample chicks are my heroes!

The Debate... - Topper Harley - 06-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Black Lazerus
Quote:Originally posted by Topper Harley
that's like handing a crack addict some money and expecting him to come back with groceries.
or sending header FOR groceries.
"sir you can't eat and shop"

my wife and i would eat/drink all the time at the supermarket when we lived in boston. The supermarket was in a bad neighborhood with a mostly black population. We took advantage of the fact that NOBODY was worried about us.

The Debate... - JimmyBlueEyes - 06-05-2004

Vote for me!!! The not so dark horse!!!

The Debate... - 60FeetUnderWater - 06-05-2004

Are others allowed to ask questions to the 3 (4? now?) candidates?