!!111!FLAME WAR!!1!!! - Printable Version

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!!111!FLAME WAR!!1!!! - Toronto Hottie - 09-29-2003

Quote:Originally posted by KensPen
Your idea sounds too fair.

you might have to add a clause like I get lobotomized if I misspell a word to get him to agree.

[Geraldo] Ohhhh, and folks, it is empty inside. I repeat, there is nothing in here.[/Geraldo]


!!111!FLAME WAR!!1!!! - KensPen - 09-29-2003


I thought that was GIP with his face between your legs.

!!111!FLAME WAR!!1!!! - IrishAlkey - 09-29-2003

Did she squat over a ham?

!!111!FLAME WAR!!1!!! - Lord Magus - 09-30-2003

WARNING!!! Incoming ANCIENT reference!!!
::::Wheels cart up to sidelines of fight::::

::::unlocks case, turns on register::::


!!111!FLAME WAR!!1!!! - Grumpy - 09-30-2003

The concept of the canndidiiannanan overseeing this "test" is fine with me. A little labbatts and a few nice words warm clothes, and she's all mine..... Wink

but let me see if I have this straight,

one insult per thread per person. Does that mean that I can only insult Ken once in a thread or does that mean I can only insult one person in general per thread.

and if I'm going to consider this, Ken has to agree not to start threads.

oh and mulligan - I have no clue who the fuck you are or what your issues with me are but your KenLight routine is not very original. Care to try again? I need a new source of amusement and you might fit the dance

!!111!FLAME WAR!!1!!! - KensPen - 09-30-2003

Quote:and if I'm going to consider this, Ken has to agree not to start threads.

gutless wonder......

I agreed to whatever she came up with, BEFORE she even had an idea......

and you will only agree if you get more than me......




!!111!FLAME WAR!!1!!! - Grumpy - 09-30-2003

gutless wonder? pot? Kettle? you should talk fuckwad!

not more than you assfuck. I just want to make sure that you not starting threads is part of the deal. that's all....

have a nice day sunshine!

!!111!FLAME WAR!!1!!! - KensPen - 09-30-2003

you know what........
case closed.

I really am done with you....

I will abide whatever decisions Alkey may make,
or I will Gladly play whatever games a mod may choose.

!!111!FLAME WAR!!1!!! - Grumpy - 09-30-2003

wuss.....what happen little boy? afraid you can't abide by the no new thread rule? it would kill you psychologically not to start any threads.....and that's the reason why I want it added to the deal. because I know you couldn't deal with it.

!!111!FLAME WAR!!1!!! - KensPen - 09-30-2003

I can deal with anything.........

I just find if laughable that I need to pony up more than you....

I want to see you post as mike.
not as Snuka...

that would kill you as well.