American Wedding (spoilers likely) - Printable Version

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American Wedding (spoilers likely) - FollowThisLogic - 08-04-2003

Quite true, they would have been a big waste of time.

Although I did laugh when Kevin got shot down for another "next step" toast. Smile

And is it me, or did they make Stiffler and extra-huge douchebag at the beginning, more so than the other two movies by a lot... only to gradually turn him good through the movie?

American Wedding (spoilers likely) - Six-Pack - 08-04-2003

Nah, I really think with Stiffler they've done so much already, that they couldn't think of much more to support it. So they made him seem like a giant child at first (more like an imbecile than an asshole) because the only way to do it with an already established character is with the "bigger and better" practice. I chalk it up to bad writing.

Yeah, Kevin had two scenes. The toast and him being tied to the chair. That was it (maybe there was more, but it wound up on the cutting room floor. Who knows).

American Wedding (spoilers likely) - Canadian Tool - 08-04-2003

I loved it! I thought it may have been the best of the three movies, and probably because they eliminated some of the useless characters and concentrated on the main ones. Stifler was FUCKING awesome... the shit with him in the gay bar was hilarious.

I'll probably go see this again, and hopefully find a decent download of it somewhere.

btw...does anyone know the name of the brunette stripper? she was way hot.

American Wedding (spoilers likely) - The Mojo Pin - 08-04-2003

I've never seen the first two.

Is Stiffler supposed to be "special"?

American Wedding (spoilers likely) - JimmyBlueEyes - 08-05-2003

Quote:I've never seen the first two.
Quick tip, watch before posting....

American Wedding (spoilers likely) - fluffernutter - 08-05-2003

Anyone else get the feeling that Kevin was extremely gay? I always thought that.

American Wedding (spoilers likely) - reefdwella - 08-05-2003

I'll have to check it out, I liked the first one, and the second one was okay.

American Wedding (spoilers likely) - The Mojo Pin - 08-05-2003

Quote:Originally posted by JimmyBlueEyes
Quote:I've never seen the first two.
Quick tip, watch before posting....

I don't like movies with retards. Unless they get shot in the head while thinking of the rabbits. So unless Stiffler gets a pair of shots to the dome, why waste my time?