Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Printable Version

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Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Grumpy - 09-11-2003

for a second there, I thought the title was "Guess who's a scrotum beta tester". It was attached to rooner's name so I thought the answer was obvious.

(i know, I know, it's a long way to go for a joke.........but SOMEONE had to do it)...

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Six-Pack - 09-11-2003

I think your battles with KP have affected you Grumpy. Might be time for a rest to recharge those batteries and be as good as new in no time.

Besides, Toronto Hottie already has that position.

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Rooner - 09-11-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Ronin
how did you get to become a SOCOM 2 tester?!?! that is awesome!

They told people to register a few months ago, I did, and I just got the confirmation yesterday. I feel like I won the lotto. Ive never beta tested anything, I wonder what it entails.

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Grumpy - 09-11-2003

beta testing can be burdensome at times. I do a lot of software beta testing for large companies and if you're a TRUE beta tester (one who tries to break it instead of just playing with it), it can become tiring with all the reports that you need to file.

The pros of beta testing is that you get to play with cool shit before anyone else does and most times, you get the product for free as a thank you. Microsoft is notorious for that. The company I worked for at the time had a partnership with Microsoft and I ALPHA tested Windows 95 back in the day. I had a fully licensed commercial release a month before it hit the market as a thank from Billy boy himself.

Rooner, just make sure you read the terms and conditions they send you. You should make sure you can meet their obligations.

then again, maybe I'm being too synical and business like on this one. It's only a damn video game.

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Rooner - 09-11-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Grumpy
beta testing can be burdensome at times. I do a lot of software beta testing for large companies and if you're a TRUE beta tester (one who tries to break it instead of just playing with it), it can become tiring with all the reports that you need to file.

The pros of beta testing is that you get to play with cool shit before anyone else does and most times, you get the product for free as a thank you. Microsoft is notorious for that. The company I worked for at the time had a partnership with Microsoft and I ALPHA tested Windows 95 back in the day. I had a fully licensed commercial release a month before it hit the market as a thank from Billy boy himself.

Rooner, just make sure you read the terms and conditions they send you. You should make sure you can meet their obligations.

then again, maybe I'm being too synical and business like on this one. It's only a damn video game.

Well, trying to break it, or even worse cheat on it is what I will surely try to do to make sure if I can cheat, they can fix that to be sure no one can do it. I hate the prevelance of cheaters on this game.

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - madmick - 10-02-2003

If anyone has this Beta and is sick of it please hook me up. I'm more then willing to return it to you after I get to kill some people with a damn shotgun online.

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Keyser Soze - 10-02-2003

Quote:beta testing can be burdensome at times. I do a lot of software beta testing for large companies and if you're a TRUE beta tester (one who tries to break it instead of just playing with it), it can become tiring with all the reports that you need to file.

jesus christ dude, i got the beta just so i could play the new socom before everyone else. fuck filling out any reports, that would actually require doing some work.

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Ronin - 10-02-2003

where is Rooner actually? did he get lost in the game?

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Six-Pack - 10-03-2003

Aside from new maps and stuff, it really isn't all that different from the first one. I actually stopped playing it a week ago.

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Ronin - 10-03-2003

can you do anything new in the game? any new commands? are the missions harder?