Someone think of the Goldfish! - Printable Version

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Someone think of the Goldfish! - sweet angel - 03-27-2004

Poor wittle fishies.

Someone think of the Goldfish! - horanto - 03-27-2004

I hate when they die and they fly off in there sad little angle fishy bodies.

Someone think of the Goldfish! - TheDude - 03-27-2004

oh yeah its ok to go eat a flounder, catfish or a tuna, but everyone gets all upset when it's poor little goldfish. Fucking hypocrites!

[Image: fried%20fish.jpg]

Bon Appettite!

Someone think of the Goldfish! - JJ - 03-28-2004

LOL damn this game is sick but i found it hard not to laugh as well while playing, and i dont know why.

Someone think of the Goldfish! - Subzero316 - 03-29-2004

Score 5,610

Fish Saved 68


New score 6,219

Fish saved 72

Someone think of the Goldfish! - JimmyBlueEyes - 03-29-2004

hmmm goldfish stir fry....sounds delish
saved 51 fishes....