Im Rooner, and I approve this message. - Printable Version

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Im Rooner, and I approve this message. - Hawt Baux - 06-04-2004

So what do you actually plan on doing eh?

Im Rooner, and I approve this message. - Black Lazerus - 06-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Hawt Baux
Is it like Tequiza?

I really hope not....

No it's not.

Im Rooner, and I approve this message. - Hawt Baux - 06-04-2004


Back to Rooner, once elected, will you make an opposing strike towards Phase 4 and all enablers towards its cause?

Im Rooner, and I approve this message. - Rooner - 06-04-2004

Lets talk diplomacy my people. How will the canidates handle their foreign affairs?

Lets see.

header-Hmmm, Ive seen him on YMB, uh, other than that, nothing. Settles that one.

Topper Harley-Has been seen fraternizing with the enemy on CDIH. I ask you, is THAT who you want in charge?

Rooner-Fought the villainous hordes on Fought the legions of miscers on YMB. Invaded CDIH, and took the fight TO the man. Has been around since, fighting the good fight. Now maintain diplomatic ties to the MB community, and is welcomed with open arms by all. If elected your leader, would continue the spreading of good will.

Im Rooner, and I approve this message.

Im Rooner, and I approve this message. - Rooner - 06-04-2004

The time for debate is not now. It is scheduled for Monday, 12PM.

Im Rooner, and I approve this message. - Hawt Baux - 06-04-2004

I think you're lying, which is to be expected.

Im Rooner, and I approve this message. - Rooner - 06-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Hawt Baux
I think you're lying, which is to be expected.

I prefer to call it creative campaigning.

Im Rooner, and I approve this message. - Hawt Baux - 06-04-2004

Call it what you will, i now see what you REALLY stand for!

Im Rooner, and I approve this message. - Rooner - 06-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Hawt Baux
Call it what you will, i now see what you REALLY stand for!

Im so short, its hard to tell if Im standing or sitting sometimes.

Im Rooner, and I approve this message. - Topper Harley - 06-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Rooner
Topper Harley-Has been seen fraternizing with the enemy on CDIH. I ask you, is THAT who you want in charge?

*shakes fist*