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Official Get In Shape for Summer thread - AngelIllegalImmigrantHater - 06-04-2004

HA, topper actually knows that guys name

:points and laughs:

Official Get In Shape for Summer thread - Rooner - 06-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Topper Harley
Quote:Originally posted by TheDude
I will exercise as I dip my buffalo wings in the large vat of blue cheese

why don't you just say "i will have lots and lots of gay sex with Carson from queer eye"

Dont attack my campaign manager, keep you attacks directed at the canidates.

Official Get In Shape for Summer thread - Topper Harley - 06-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by AngelIllegalImmigrantHater
HA, topper actually knows that guys name

:points and laughs:

as long as you're not laughing at my couture

Official Get In Shape for Summer thread - EffinC - 06-04-2004

If you want to lose weight, it's simple.

Burn more calories than you take in. How? Run. Running increases your heart rate and starts burning fat faster than any other activity you'll find in a gym. I give you the secret! Go forth and share such knowledge with fatties everywhere!

This training plan ACTUALLY WORKS! Follow it EXACTLY, do NOT do anymore than what is detailed within the schedule. You won't get results faster, and you won't be helping your body. It's 9 weeks. If this is too tough for you, you're in bad bad can scale it down if you need to, but be realisitic.

RUNNING WILL HURT! Running will make you tired and sore. Your lungs will hurt, you may even vomit. GOOD! That means it's working. Stretch very well before you start your warm up walk (stretch your thighs, your hips, knees, ankles, and calf muscles. Shoulders and back. You cannot stretch too much. especially beginners).

BUY A GOOD BRAND NEW pair of lightweight very comfy running shoes. DO NOT walk around in these shoes. They are STRICTLY for running. Keep track of how many miles you run on your shoes, eventually they break down and need to be replaced every 250-300 miles. Your knees will thank you.

Running Shoes Explained

I cannot stress enough, if you're out of shape, overweight, or just a total mess. THIS PROGRAM FUCKING WORKS!!! BE CAREFUL! It's hot out there, and when you're running it will feel 20F degrees warmer to you. Pick your battles wisely. Wake up EARLY or run late. Hey, if you're going to be sore and aching, and out of breath and sweating......atleast be cooler when doing it.

BE CAREFUL of wearing headphones while jogging in parks and stuff, especially ladies. You wont be able to hear dogs, or prowlers coming up on you. BE CAREFUL of running on a trail or on grass. If you're just starting to run, your knees and ankles aren't strong enough to withstand a sudden step into a "pothole" in the ground. Give it a few weeks of concrete running first, please.

Don't wear extra clothes!!! If you're fat and ugly, wake up early and run. Don't hide your body under clothing you dont need to have on. T shirt, Shorts, socks and shoes. Thats it. Don't let being self-conscious hamper your effort to get in shape.

I know this post is way too long, but finally I need to stress this. DONT GET DISCOURAGED. If you're reading this far into this post you want to change your body. This requires a lot of work and some sacrifice on your part. I'm going to give you come cop logic here they fed us in the academy. Pain is entirely mental. Muscles send neurological signals to your brain, that tell you something hurts. It's 100% in your head. YOU CAN RUN THROUGH PAIN, just learn to control it. To test yourself, jump into a freezing cold shower and stand there perfectly still until the initial shock wears off.

Breathe through it and concentrate on withstanding that feeling. Eventually it gets less and less, and you can actually stand there for as long as you want to. Your mind wants you to be lazy, your body doesn't want to have to work hard. The same concept applies to pain. Don't think about why you hurt, or where you hurt. Think about how you hurt, and how it's not really that bad.

Ok ok, there's my gift to i give you. THE BONAFIDE 110% real, IT WORKS FOR EVERYONE I TELL I ABOUT IT! Couch - 5k Running program.

Just click the fucking thing already

Official Get In Shape for Summer thread - Ice Man - 06-04-2004

Quote:If you want to lose weight, it's simple.
just reading your post burnt me out.

Official Get In Shape for Summer thread - Topper Harley - 06-04-2004

i ran a 15 minute 5k once. that is all.

Official Get In Shape for Summer thread - Keyser Soze - 06-04-2004

if you cant run a mile under 10 minutes, you should probrobly kill yourself

Official Get In Shape for Summer thread - Topper Harley - 06-04-2004

or at least stay inside and talk on messageboards all day

Official Get In Shape for Summer thread - header - 06-04-2004

Since I can't run a 10 minute mile and don't wish to kill myself can I work on trying to get myself to a point where I am able to run a 10 minute mile some day?

Official Get In Shape for Summer thread - TheDude - 06-04-2004

I can certainly drive a mile in under 10 mins.