Elementary Skool! (the thread formerly known as Fourth Grade!!) - Printable Version

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Elementary Skool! (the thread formerly known as Fourth Grade!!) - 60FeetUnderWater - 05-18-2004



Stoopid peepee face!

Elementary Skool! (the thread formerly known as Fourth Grade!!) - Topper Harley - 05-18-2004

something tells me that 460 isn't too far removed from this.

Elementary Skool! (the thread formerly known as Fourth Grade!!) - 60FeetUnderWater - 05-18-2004

[breaks theme of thread]
oh, c'mon...I'm not going to open a thread about some serious topic or anything...I was bored. Sue me[/breaks theme of thread]

duuuck duuuck duuck GOOOSE!

Elementary Skool! (the thread formerly known as Fourth Grade!!) - Sloats - 05-18-2004

*Grabs 460 by teh collar*

*Drags him in the bathroom*

*Shoves 460s head into the toliet*


*Takes 460s lunch money*

*flushes again*

*Takes roll of toliet paper and soaks in the sink*

*Makes softball size soaked toliet paper ball and throws hard into 460's face*

*Flushes 460s head in toliet again*

Elementary Skool! (the thread formerly known as Fourth Grade!!) - 60FeetUnderWater - 05-18-2004

I'm telling!!

(and I'll be back tommorrow with a trenchcoat on, fucker.)

Elementary Skool! (the thread formerly known as Fourth Grade!!) - Rooner - 05-18-2004

Wheres scadoo when you need him?

Elementary Skool! (the thread formerly known as Fourth Grade!!) - Topper Harley - 05-18-2004

Quote:Originally posted by 60FeetUnderWater
I'm telling!!

(and I'll be back tommorrow with a trenchcoat on, fucker.)

that's not how it works, rube. those two were sociopaths, not pissed off at their classmates. do some reading.

Elementary Skool! (the thread formerly known as Fourth Grade!!) - 60FeetUnderWater - 05-18-2004

I'm in elementary skool!! I'm not supposed to know what really happened.


Elementary Skool! (the thread formerly known as Fourth Grade!!) - BITENY - 05-18-2004

Circle circle dot dot now I have the cootie shot.

Elementary Skool! (the thread formerly known as Fourth Grade!!) - JimmyBlueEyes - 05-18-2004

I guess I matured a little quickly. When I was in 4th grade I had already graduated to calling kids fuckin asshole, etc. Nice Catholic School boy I was...