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The Debate... - Hawt Baux - 06-04-2004

No we don't.


Moving on.....what could you provide the YMB community with that no one else here could? Why is it key that you alone should be the head honcho?

The Debate... - header - 06-04-2004

Is this question pointed towards all candidates?

The Debate... - Hawt Baux - 06-04-2004


The Debate... - Rooner - 06-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Hawt Baux
No we don't.


Moving on.....what could you provide the YMB community with that no one else here could? Why is it key that you alone should be the head honcho?

I believe my broad based appeal and universal acceptance makes me the perfect canidate to leads us far into the 21st century. I have an ability to handle any situation with grace, style, and a little flair.

The Debate... - Rooner - 06-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by header
Is this question pointed towards all candidates?

You cant even follow along, and you want to lead. PFFT.

The Debate... - Topper Harley - 06-04-2004

i'm sorry, i was too busy posting at cdih, did I miss something?

The Debate... - Hawt Baux - 06-04-2004

Topper can jump in at will with any statements reguarding the previous questions.

The Debate... - header - 06-04-2004

It is important to remember that this is merely for the leadership of the ER triplets and of the ER faction. As leader I shall aim to keep the triplets in line. As we all know some of us tend to get out of hand when it comes to the simple rules of message board decency.

I am making great strides to bring us into the next level of messageboard greatness without pissing off the majority of people. We have come a long way in these past few months. I believe.

The Debate... - header - 06-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Topper Harley
i'm sorry, i was too busy posting at cdih, did I miss something?


The Debate... - Goatweed - 06-04-2004

Quote:It is essential to note that when the CDIH elite come over to pay us a visit it causes a stir.

I sincerely hope I am considered "CDIH Elite", despite the fact that I do not cause stirs when I login.

I'm sure Galt/DIG appreciate the accolades, however.