DODEGBALL - My Review - Printable Version

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DODEGBALL - My Review - Lush - 06-20-2004

I think we should leave it to set an example

DODEGBALL - My Review - GMANN - 06-21-2004

I dunno what you guys are talking about

DODEGBALL - My Review - Black Lazerus - 06-21-2004

they moved the thread you drunk jackass

DODEGBALL - My Review - GMANN - 06-21-2004

I moved it you uppity negro

DODEGBALL - My Review - Black Lazerus - 06-21-2004

well it's about time you did something correctly.

DODEGBALL - My Review - GMANN - 06-21-2004

This is what I get trying to inform you people about great films and the genious of this one.

DODEGBALL - My Review - Black Lazerus - 06-21-2004

we have enough of HB drunken shenanigans.. now we have 3 drunken mods

DODEGBALL - My Review - 60FeetUnderWater - 06-21-2004

I always make it a point to dodeg wrenches when they are thrown at me.

*Spoilers, comin' up!!*

I just saw it. I loffed. It's definitely an homage to the 80's.

BTW, did any of you at all notice the number of Karate Kid tie-ins? The referee is the same guy, I think. Also, the tourny bracket looked almost identical. You had the Cobra Kai in KK, and here you had the Globe Cobras.

Pizza into the pants - funny.

Line regarding awkwardly shaped women and awesome Canadians - funny.

Just seems like one of those flicks that gets funnier with a couple of additional viewings.

DODEGBALL - My Review - TheDude - 06-21-2004

Quote:Originally posted by GMANN
This is what I get trying to inform you people about great films and the genious of this one.

It would be almost as bad as if you put the egg-everything bagels in the poppy bagel bin.

DODEGBALL - My Review - Black Lazerus - 06-21-2004

plus his review was terrible