I'm here to make you pay. - Printable Version

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I\'m here to make you pay. - Hawt Baux - 09-22-2003

I don't support any Threads or Forums that require me to be nice.

Good Day Sir.

I\'m here to make you pay. - Grumpy - 09-22-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Death_Metal Moe
Ehh, I kinda re-joined. Since no one it posting on, I may stick my head in here more often.

Do you feel special that you're all my fallguy board?

Too fucking easy....... so many jokes, so little time.

what happen moe? all the "lovey-dovey fuck-me, fuck-you, I'm bangin (insert name here)" threads die out and no one wants to play with you anymore?

I hear there are few old rf'ers on wackbag that might amuse you.

fukin rf'ers. they're like the west nile mosquitos. Just when you think you got rid of them, they come back to spread their disease.....

I\'m here to make you pay. - Flock of Moosen - 09-22-2003

Can ya feel the love?

I\'m here to make you pay. - Sloats - 09-22-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Flock of Moosen
Can ya feel the love?

I want to take a baseball bat to the face of three posters in this thread. No, HB, you are not one of them.

I\'m here to make you pay. - Hawt Baux - 09-22-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Sloats
I want to take a baseball bat to the face of three posters in this thread. No, HB, you are not one of them.

Well that's a first.

I\'m here to make you pay. - Death_Metal Moe - 09-22-2003

That's a good gimmick Grumpy. Cute. It was funnier the 1st 1000 times I saw it on messageboards but you keep on truckin'. Good thing your opinion doesn't count for anything.

Anyway, I am here. I feel welcome and I will post at will.

Batter up!

I\'m here to make you pay. - IrishAlkey - 09-22-2003

Quote:I feel welcome

Who's responsible for this?

I\'m here to make you pay. - Death_Metal Moe - 09-22-2003

You Twinkle Toes!

I\'m here to make you pay. - IrishAlkey - 09-22-2003

[Image: 32.gif]

I\'m here to make you pay. - Keyser Soze - 09-22-2003

something tells me grumpy is a jilted ex-lover of a'er