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Punk Ass Motherfuckin\' Kids - BITENY - 09-09-2003

Wow...Sweet- I feel for you, I do. I was a tortured soul back in elementary school but it got progressively worse in jhs. Elementary was nothing b/c they made fun of my last name but jhs was the worst 3 yrs of my life & i couldnt wait to get to high school after that.
In JHS- the population was predominantley black and we were the minority- and the kids in my class always picked on me asking me if i had any friends, then started to make fun of my hair (curly shit-- it grew up instead of down back then), and then it started w/the verbal abuse and verbal threats b/c these N******* had their connections into the gangs here... So nice, ya know?
I almost transferred schools but I stayed. Dont ask me why I did. But I did.
And I can guarantee that almost everyone of those pricks I went to JHS with- are either in jail, dead or have about 4 kids with different parents. And if some of them are dead, then Thank God, less shit on the planet for us to deal with.
That's how I feel.
And I bet the kids who keep teasing your son are gonna wind up the same way- considering the parents don't seem to instill any values or morals in their kids.

Punk Ass Motherfuckin\' Kids - Ronin - 09-09-2003

send your kids to martial arts classes.. that's what i am going to do..

no body will pick on them then.

Punk Ass Motherfuckin\' Kids - BARRY MANILOW - 09-09-2003

Quote:There are quite a few of his karate classmates in his school. I was hoping, since they're told that they are supposed to stick together, that it would help.

When I read this, all I can think of is "The Karate Kid" Cobra Kai all ganging up on poor old Ralph Macchio. :

[Image: tourn2.jpg]

Sorry, That was just amusing to me...carry on..

Punk Ass Motherfuckin\' Kids - JimmyBlueEyes - 09-09-2003

I got picked on regularly when I was growing up. I had one advantage that I was taller than a lot of the kids in school, so aside from verbal abuse, not too many got physical. As I got towards my junior high years, the violence picked up a little. I had also transferred to a new school, and was just amazed at how cruel kids could be, and how if you wore one article of clothing that didn't look right, you were labelled. I took down one or two bullies and no one fucked with me again. I don't know how my little brother and sister did it. They were pretty fat when they were kids and they got picked on mercilessly in school. I used to sit in my room when they got home and hear them get taunted as they got off the bus.

Quote:I was thinking more along the lines of giving the kid the ability to stand up for himself, not beat the shit out of people for the sake of just being a bully.

I'm with Keyser on this one. While violence isn't always the answer, sometimes all a kid needs is to get the living shit kicked out of him and he learns his lesson. And Mom and Dad may not be around to bail the kid out. If a kid gets picked on regularly, eventually he or she is going to snap and bad shit goes down. The mild side of it may be a bloody nose or a black eye. The extreme side is the kids at Columbine or any one of those schools where they shot someone.

Quote:Just stating how times have changed, when i was in Seventh grade kids did NOT chase around other kids with sticks threatening to beat the shit out of them. And God Forbid we did something with this kind of repercussion, bad times.

I'm gonna be 30 in two months and I remember clearly an incident when I was in 7th grade where two kids chased a girl on a bike with sticks. The cops actually came to my house and questioned me because I saw it. It does happen. What you have to worry about today is more violent weapons. Guns, knives etc.

As for the parents of these little fuckers, it's probably a combination of a lot of things. One being the parents don't discipline the kids,(see my status) kids have little or no respect for parents or authority(blame that once again on the parents and no shots in the ass). The most damaging one is the parent truly believing the kid can do no wrong.

I hope these kids that attacked your son will learn. If not, you can take comfort in knowing they'll be in jail at least twice by the age of 18, and they will hopefully be handed a ruthless ass kicking by your son if they fuck with him again.
Longest post by me, EVER!!!

Punk Ass Motherfuckin\' Kids - CriticsLoveSnatch - 09-09-2003

This mentality probably comes from promised cookies that were never delivered upon:lol:

Yeah, but you definately did the right thing...until something like this happens groups of kids will ocntinue to act that way.

Punk Ass Motherfuckin\' Kids - JimmyBlueEyes - 09-09-2003

I dunno about that. I had one incident where I got cornered by like 5 kids and the one big bully in the bunch that everyone in the whole neighborhood was scared of was the first one I went after. I sucker punched him and beat him up pretty good. After I took him down and then it got broken up, the kids with him ran like hell and I never got fucked with in that neighborhood again. Then again I moved away a few months after that.

Punk Ass Motherfuckin\' Kids - Grumpy - 09-09-2003

Boys will be boys? Suzie - fuck that shit. You'll appreciate this story -

Last year, my son (who was in kindergarten) comes home from school with a note from his teacher. "Please have a discussion with your son regarding violence and how it's not acceptable. He hit 2 boys this afternoon in the school playground".

I've had him Tae Kwon Do classes for over a year now. He's a brown belt. My first instinct was to go balistic on my son for being a bully and using Tae Kwon Do when he's not suppose to. But I calmed down and let him explain to me why he hit the 2 boys". It turns out that 3 boys in his class were picking on him. They tackled him and pinned him down and were punching him. He fought his way back on his feet and clocked 2 of three in the face. My son has no reason to lie to me and is always honest so I believe him. I later verified the story with one of the other boys. According to the teacher, one of the kids "allegedly" had a bloody nose". They apparently didn't see the incident and it was his word against the other 3. Guess who got in trouble? My kid of course.

To me, it's 100% acceptable for my son to defend himself like that. He did what he had to do. If he ever instigated a fight, he'd be in serious trouble with me. but defending himself - I'm surprised the kid only got away with a bloody nose.

I go to school the next day (note in hand) to talk to the teacher. Long story short - it's me, her and the principal in an office with them telling me how "violence is not an answer" and "how could I justify my approval of my son's actions". I basically told them to fuck off and that if they had bothered to ask him about it AND ACTUALLY LISTEN, they would have known that he was attacked and was defending himself. I also told them that I absolutely condone his actions and that if they had been doing their jobs properly and watched the kids, none of this would have been necessary.

The fucking ironic part of all this is that the 2 kids he hit are now literally his "bestest friends in the whole wide world". They're absolutely inseperable now. It's hysterical to think - where they started, and where they are today.

Punk Ass Motherfuckin\' Kids - BITENY - 09-09-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Grumpy

The fucking ironic part of all this is that the 2 kids he hit are now literally his \"bestest friends in the whole wide world\". They're absolutely inseperable now. It's hysterical to think - where they started, and where they are today.

Guarantee- 10-20 years down the road, they'll look back on that incident and laugh about it.
I wish I had taken tae kwon do--- actually I wish my parents had enlisted me in those classes aside from little league baseball.....No one would've fucked with me in JHS. God, I hated that place.
Jimmy- referring back to what you said about being labelled about the articles of clothing----- Here I am, innocent me, wearing band tshirts & getting picked on for it b/c I didn't listen to reggae or fuckin rap or any of that shit. I had pictures up of my favorite bands in my locker in my classroom and I always had to open my locker at about 45 degrees as opposed to opening it all the way b/c I knew I would get made fun of for the pictures I put up. I was embarrassed b/c of what I had in MY locker. Amazing.
And then came the blue Doc Martens. Geez. It wasn't all that bad---- now you see all the ghetto trash walking around wearing the wacky fucking colored sneakers--- who's laughing now?

Punk Ass Motherfuckin\' Kids - Silera - 09-09-2003

No one ever picked on me.

Punk Ass Motherfuckin\' Kids - Drunken GW - 09-09-2003

mini bruce lees are not the answer

Silera never got picked on cause she was always the bullies girlfriend

"the meek shall inherit the earth"
shit bomb his house
BJ has the manual