The Official " What I Got For Christmas " Thread - Printable Version

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The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - IrishAlkey - 12-26-2003

I make wishes come true.

The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - GreasyItalianPrincess - 12-26-2003


The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - IrishAlkey - 12-26-2003

I hope her cunt doesn't have teeth.

The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - Gonzo - 12-26-2003

I thought the holidays were a bust till alkey told me about sileras ass in IMs.

The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - GMANN - 12-26-2003

spreading the holiday cheer huh ?

The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - Gonzo - 12-26-2003

I tried convincing people to get me presents since christmas is pretty much a jewish holiday. It didn't work, all I got was "you fuckin jew".

The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - GMANN - 12-26-2003

Thats just wrong.....

I woulda went "you jew bastard"

The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - Gonzo - 12-26-2003

It's celebrating a jews birthday, it's a loop hole.

Christmas is actually the 9th day of chanukah.

The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - Opus - 12-26-2003

Well, lets see....

Stuff for my new apartment that I ended up not getting cause I no longer have to move for my company, Undergrads Season 1 on DVD, $10.00 Gift Card, $20.00 Gift Card, $30.00 Gift Card, $50.00 Cash, a few odds and ends.

Not much...

The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - Keyser Soze - 12-27-2003

i swear i didnt see this thread when i posted it on the <i>other</i> board.

tenbats, wtf is a jew sweater?