This site is a time bomb - Printable Version

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This site is a time bomb - Rooner - 06-17-2004

I dont rely on anything you say anymore DIG, not since you got owned, its a different world for me now.

This site is a time bomb - Silera - 06-17-2004

Who's got the over on 10 minutes?

This site is a time bomb - diceisgod - 06-17-2004

yadda yaddaI got owned. I'vlost it... I've heard all this before. Then I heard a large BOOM.

This site is a time bomb - Rooner - 06-17-2004

And you are the coachroach after the nuclear winter correct?

This site is a time bomb - Sloats - 06-17-2004


Public Enemy >>>>> Rancid

This site is a time bomb - Rooner - 06-17-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Sloats

Public Enemy >>>>> Rancid

I concur. But think of the audience we're dealing with.

This site is a time bomb - Sloats - 06-17-2004

Would 'Dueling Banjos' be more appropriate for DIG?

Maybe that or the "Hey, Look at ME!!" sound clip (Bart Simpson, Lisa meets a rival/Poe, Beating Heart, Diarama Simpsons Episode)

This site is a time bomb - Silera - 06-17-2004


Ten more minutes.

This site is a time bomb - Rooner - 06-17-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Sloats
Would 'Dueling Banjos' be more appropriate for DIG?

Maybe that or the \"Hey, Look at ME!!\" sound clip (Bart Simpson, Lisa meets a rival/Poe, Beating Heart, Diarama Simpsons Episode)

VIRGINA!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL !!!111!!1!

This site is a time bomb - Hosp - 06-17-2004

Thank you for whoever gave me my new status, but why waste your time with an adult listing when I'm on IMDB, BITCH!