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The Debate... - Hawt Baux - 06-04-2004

I'm starting to rethink Headers ballot all together.

The Debate... - header - 06-04-2004

Rethink? In what way?

The Debate... - Topper Harley - 06-04-2004

header, you are more harmful to the ER Triplets than Michael Jackson is to nubile young blonde boys.

The Debate... - header - 06-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Topper Harley
header, you are more harmful to the ER Triplets than Michael Jackson is to nubile young blonde boys.

:lol: Believe what you will but we can't just run free within the system. I see no harm in us acting like ourselves because that is who we are, but to take it to the extreme is just a hindrance in the long run..

The Debate... - Hawt Baux - 06-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by header
Rethink? In what way?

In other words...I'm REALLY questioning where your priorities stand.

i think you're just in this for the fame, no heart, no drive, no desire!

The Debate... - header - 06-04-2004

I do not seek the fame. There are times when I feel ashamed to be an ER triplet. I just want our overall image to be bettered. At the same time I don't want us to betray who we really are. It is a delicate balance that I look forward to achieving as president.

The Debate... - Topper Harley - 06-04-2004

don't sell us short header. We may be just a faction among YMB, but we are in the forefront of the board. We set the example to the outsiders and noobs. We are what people look up to when they come to YMB for shenanigans and a good time.

The Debate... - TheDude - 06-04-2004

It's pretty obvious to me that Rooner has clearly won this debate... Why wait till next thursday, I say commence the inauguration right now, within the hour!

The Debate... - Topper Harley - 06-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by header
There are times when I feel ashamed to be an ER triplet.

I cannot believe that you said that. I move that we remove header from his position as an ER triplet and replace him with TheDude. Do I have a second?

The Debate... - Hawt Baux - 06-04-2004

Quote:don't sell us short header. We may be just a faction among YMB, but we are in the forefront of the board. We set the example to the outsiders and noobs. We are what people look up to when they come to YMB for shenanigans and a good time.
